Chapter 2 One Direction?

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A/N: On the sidebar 'Midea', is One Direction's pic! I know Louis and Niall kinda look weird in this but Liam and Harry look goddamn stunning! <3 !

Mitchelle’s POV

Unknown: Hello?

Me: Harry?

Unknown: OH no, he is in the back with the boys. You here for your phone?

Me: Yeah!

Unknown: Alright! Come on in!

Me: Okay, thank you!

Jess and I walked in and our mouths drop at the same time. The room is even nicer than the lobby! WHO AS MY PHONE?! And what do they do that could possibly allow them to temporarily allow them to live in this amazing pent house?

Jess: YO! THIS PLACE IS SO NICE! I don’t think my parents’ year salary could afford this!

Me: No kidding!

Jess: So, he’s British AND rich. Girl, if this guy is sexy, you better get his number or I WILL!

Me: (I laugh) Its me we are talking about Jess… you know I’m a complete idiot when it comes to boys!

Jess: You’re not an idiot…You’re just handicapped! (She laughs)

My mouth drops before I laugh at her insult. I nudge her shoulder making her bump into this statue. Both of us gasp when it starts rocking but luckily for us, it doesn’t fall.

Me: Um, maybe we should sit and wait for this guy…

Jess: yeah, that’s probably a good idea…(She laughs)

We take a seat and after waiting for a couple of minutes, Jess and I hear a herd of footsteps coming down the hallway. I immediately get scared all over again. Are Jess and I about to get gang raped or something? I should’ve just gone home and told my parents I lost my phone again.

Harry: Hello love, I’m Harry and we are…

Jess cuts him off.


The boys all laugh at Jess and I’m still a little star struck and speechless. My mouth’s wide open and I literally can’t speak! I cannot believe this is happening… One Fre- My train of thoughts stops when I feel someone slap across my face…

Me: OUCH JESS! Why the hell would you do that?

Jess: Sorry, you weren’t responding when I was talking to you!

We hear the boys laughing at us again before we turn back around and face them…

Harry: Hello, Mitchell?

Me: Yeah, that’s me! (I say in a hesitant tone!) Um, this is Jess…

Harry: Nice to meet you guys. (He chuckles) Um do I need to introduce the boys or do you…

Jess: oh we know who all of you are. (We all chuckle this time)

Harry: Please take a seat and here’s your phone! (He hands it to me)

Me: Thank You!

Me and Jess take a seat on the couch and the boys join us on the other couches!

Niall: so, tell us about yourselves girls!

Jess: We both are from Northern Virginia but we attend college in New York.

Zany: What school do you guys go to in New York?

Me: Cornell University! We play on the women’s soccer team there!

Harry: NO WAY! You girls play football! How is the program there?

Jess: Its actually one of the top programs in the nation. The U.S. National coach makes quite a bit of appearances there. I’m not gonna lie, we’re really fucking good! (We all laugh)

Me: I’d hope so! We’ve been playing since we were born! (I chuckle)

Liam: That’s crazy! What year are you guys?...In school.

Jess: we’re both rising juniors!  But Mitchelle isn’t going to be with me this upcoming semester. (She pouts)

Louis: AWW why?

Me: I’m actually going to go study abroad in England for five months. I head out in two weeks.

Harry: REALLY? Are you excited?

Me: Absolutely! I’ve always wanted to go to Europe! I plan on traveling a lot when I’m there.

Harry: You know, our tour ends in two weeks, then we will be on vacation for a while. You seem like a pretty cool girl. (He chuckles) If you want, we could show you around England. Especially London?

Me: ARE YOU SERIOUS? I WOULD LOVE THAT! It would be nice going to England and knowing SOMEONE!

All of the boys laugh and we start talking about London. Its such a good time we don’t even realize we’ve been talking for almost an hour and we got here around midnight!

Me: Jess, what time is it?

Jess: Oh my gosh! Its almost one thirty in the morning!

Me: Seriously? We have training in the morning! We gotta go!

Liam: Training? Like for school?

Jess: Yeah! We have a local trainer so that we stay fit during the summer vacations. And the training session begins in, like, 6 hours.

Harry: OUCH! (He laughs) Yea, you guys should go!

Jess and I said our goodbyes to the boys before we frantically head to the door. But we don’t get far before Harry stops me.

Harry: Hey, Mitchelle, how are we supposed to contact if your phone is still here?

Me: (I groan) I swear, this phone is gonna be the death of me.

Harry: (He laughs) I also just realized none of us have your number.

Me: Oh, yeah! Hand me your phone.

I save my number into Harry’s phone and I’m shaking like crazy. Everything just seems like it’s a dream. I keep waiting for my alarm to go off but it never happens. Finally, Jess and I say our goodbyes again and we head outta the door. As soon as the door closes, and we’re down the hallway waiting for the elevator, Jess starts screaming!


Me: SERIOUSLY! Today was unreal!

Jess: You think he’ll use your number?

Me: Eh, probably not.

Jess: I think he will! I mean he barely knows you! Why else would he offer to show you around London?

Me: because he’s a gentleman unlike the douchebags in our school! (We laugh)

Jess: Its such a shame! American men suck these days!

The elevator door opens and we are both still laughing when we step in and head down to the first floor.

Jess: Well, I still think he’ll text you!

Me: I guess! Well, lets see… 

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