Gale Stuck to a Toilet

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"Are you a ghost?" I asked (something really tugged at my mine).

"Finnick" The ghost lady gasped "You don't remember?"

I titted my head again "Remember what?"

Ghostly tears rolled down her cheek "I am your mother"

"You are?"

This was too much. My mom being a ghost and loosing all my memory. I wanted to die. This was too much.

"Yes" She whispered "Your name is Finnick..."

"Finnick" I whispered my name "Can you tell me more?"

"Yes" She sat down next to me "You have a sister named Rue and an aunt named Primrose"

"Cool. What about my dad?"

"His name's Peeta..." She said in defeated voice "You have his blond hair"

I do?

"Why am I here? Why am I bloody?"

"You were captured by Gale" She snarled at his name "He wants to kill you and rest of our family"


She pursed her lips "I chose Peeta instead of him"

"I am so confused!" I exclaimed 'This is too much!"

She sighed then straightened up. "I know something that might bring your memory back"



I bit my lip from screaming. I couldn't believe my luck!

"H.." Gale started to shout but I clamped his mouth shut.

He bit my fingers really hard.

I bit my lip harder to keep myself from screaming. I put the fork next to his throat and hissed "Yell and I will shove this fork into your throat"

Gale's eyes blazed with anger.

"Now move" I slowly guided him to the nearest bathroom. I could tell it was the bathroom by its smell.

Suddenly Gale's eyes blazed with something I could not recognize. He shoved me against the hall the moment I turned my back at him.

"Over here!" He cried "Prisoner escaped!"

Uh-oh! I tried raising my fork but he grabbed my wrist and twisted it REALLY hard.

"Ahhh!" I cried out softly and punched him in the face.

He snarled and slapped me hard across my face.

I could hear footsteps coming closer and closer. I quickly locked the door while Gale was trying to get my fork.

"You are dead loser!" He hissed at me "You think you are matched for me?"

"No" I hissed back "But I am smarter!"

I kicked him hard and he landed on the toilet. He tried to get up but his butt was stuck to the toilet. I would have laughed under normal circumstances.

He spat out toilet water (ewww) "You are dead!"

I raised my fork but he kicked it out of my hand.

Suddenly the door burst open revealing three heavily armed boys.

I could tell they were fighting not to laugh.

"Get.. her!" Gale sputtered "Are you dumb?"

I gritted my teeth. I am not going down without bring one with me. They charged and I charged at them, bare handed.



I closed my eyes and waited for the death to come. I wasn't afraid. Riley would wait for me in the world of the dead.

But the moment lasted longer than I hoped. I peek a little to see a terrifying scene.

There stood..Riley? She was holding a thin sword blocking James' strike. In a flashed she defected the sword in blinding speed and charged.

"Who are you?" James gaped at her "Who..."

Riley Ignored him and attacked slashing sword at his arm. Blood dripped from James' arm revealing a deep gasp.

"Your cousin" Riley smiled sweetly "No one harms my sister"

Confusion spread across my cousins.

James' charged at her determined to kill my twin sister but she was too good for him. Her blade met his in a clang. She whirled and stabbed him in the belly quick as lightening.

Then a bond appeared between them. All James' energy was absolved by Riley. She became more and more solid until James' collapsed, motionless.

Tears formed in Riley's eyes.

Others backed away from her then ran.

"What happened?" I asked very puzzled.

"I absolved his life" She whispered, now liquid tears fall from her beautiful cheeks "I am solid again. I am alive"

"You are?!" I was delighted but she didn't.

"Its a cruel way for ghosts to steal life" She whispered "Only they can do it to their living relative or very close friend and I did it...on my own cousin"

"Riley" I whispered "He was about to kill me"

Then I remembered what it felt like killing Raymond and guilt spread across my face.

"I am going to use this life to save lives" She declared "I am no longer going to kill"

I embraced her in a hug. Surprisingly she was warm like a living person. She hugged me back.

"Let's go save Finnick" I whispered.

"Of course" Riley smiled "And I want to meet my parents for the second time"



Rayna! Maybe she can bring his life back! Gosh I am so smart (if it works...)!

"What?" He gasped "Please..."

"Rayna" I whispered and jolt went through his body.

"I remember that name" He whispered "I can't quiet place it...but I know that name"

"Of course you do!" I beamed at him. I was so happy.

"Can I meet her?" He asked, his eyes shone like shining diamonds "Soon?"

I nodded "As soon as we get out of here"

"Can you untie me?"

My cheeks felt hot. Wait...! Never mind don't bother asking.

I untied him as soon as I could.

Then I heard voices down the hall.

"Stay here" I ordered him. Without waiting him to complain, I turned invisible and went through the wall to see what happened.


"Get her!" I heard Gale's voice.


I floated down the hallway as fast as I could to see Rue charge the Gale goon BAREHANDED!

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