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I placed throwing knives carefully in my pocket. I strapped a sword around my waist. My hands move over the weapon table and floated over bow and arrow. I moved over them and picked up a wicked sharp dagger.

I turned and at Riley who had thin sword strapped to her waist and bow and arrow. She turned and smiled at me, her already ghostly pale face was turning chalky white.

"Ready?" She forced out a fake smile.

I nodded.

To be killed I added silently. I could feel the blade slicing my shoulder and stabbing me in the belly.

"Let's go" She whispered "I want to finish this very quickly"

I nodded again. Finnick we are coming for you! I yelled inside my head.

Riley shoved the door open grimacing as the sunshine shined on her face, blinding her. She looked like a ghost who entered sunlight like a transparent mist.

"Coming?" I realized she have been holding the door for me.

"Yeah!" I squeaked in high pitched voice.

Riley made a face but quickly hid it.

"Come on" She shoved me gently with her wispy hands. "To battle...aganst"



"Ghost lady?" I whispered then I shook my head, trying to get rid of the dizziness ""

 No one answered me. Not even that weird ghost

"Finnick" A heard a voice "You still there?"

"Errr...I guess" Finnick is my name right?

"Run!" urged. "Run! Hide! Get out of this stinking place"

"Where do I go?" My legs were wobbly.

"Somewhere" She whispered "Not here"

I nodded and swallowed the lump on my throat. I got up silently and tip-toed out of the closet to see horrifying scene. A...very familiar looking girl charging at bunch of guys.

Who is she? Rayna?

No she isn't sweet jasmine blond hair trickled my mind. That's not Rayna. That girl had dark hair and starling blue eyes. She was about...two years older?i\

"Run!" The ghost lady hissed, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Okay" I squeak. Sheesh.

I listened carefully to make sure I don't hear any footsteps then I bolted. I tried to step lightly as I could but it was pretty hard considering the part that you are running for your life in middle of place you have no idea where you are.

Then there was series of footsteps running down the hall. I hid in the nearest room which was..bathroom.

"Come one slowpokes!" A voice doomed through the hallway.

Suddenly a faint jasmine scent hit me like a tornado. It wasn't the same jasmine scent but similar enough.

I peeked and saw two boys with brown hair and a tall boy with golden blond hair running, with no trae of ambition like the other dudes.

Number one: Ignore it

Number two: Burst out and grab him

Number three: Scream

Gale's Revenge(Mocking Jay's Next book) EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now