Final Battle

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I coughed out the drain water and climbed on to the dry floor. I got up to and came face to face with the big bully Jake, he gripped his spear with his well muscled arms.

Raynard collapsed next to him but when he saw Jake, he got up immediately.

Then Richard pushed forward, his buff shoulder and arms were very frightening. He cracked his knuckles. Show off!

He grabbed his spear "Riley! I see you are back to life."

"I got to thank James" She said coolly, while Jake growled.

"Oh Rayna! Raynard!" He exclaimed "I see you are siding with the traitors"

"Move out the way Richard" Rayna growled, unsheathing her sword.

"Make me" Richard said in mocking tone "Why would I want to?"

Riley unsheathed her sword"I will make you!"

"A duel then" Richard smiled and charged at my ghostly sister.

(There are violence after this part. But its really thrilling)

Riley leaped high into the air and landed behind our big cousin. She slashed at him but he blocked it with his wicked spear and tried to stab her but she danced out the way. With swirl of attacks, she rolled and leaped and crashed her blade on to his spear really hard. There was sudden crack. A smile tugged at Riley lips but she kept on attacking. Richard got really mad. He kicked Riley hard in the shoulder and thrush the spear into her delicate left leg. Riley crumpled.

"Riley!" I choked out.

"Riley!" Raynard screamed.

Richard grinned and charged. He raised his spear but Riley rolled and stabbed him in the belly. Richard gasped and fall to the floor. Riley expression was shocked. Riley let go of the sword that killed her cousin. She let out a painful gasp and clutched her leg. I tried to move forward but my legs were frozen so were Raynard's.

Then Jake ran from Riley's back and slashed his sword at her. Riley collapsed, coughing up blood.

"Riley!" Raynard and I cried out in unison and we forced our frozen legs to move. I cradle her head while Raynard unsheathed his sword at Jake, who stepped back nervously.

Finnick came over and pointed his dagger at them. He whispered to Raynard "GO help Rayna. I will handle this"

"Rayna...Raynard" Riley croaked, coughing up more blood.

"Sh..." Raynard slushed her "Don't talk. It will make the injuries worse"

"No" Riley insisted "I got to tell you. I..I am about to die. I knew this all along. But..I would die of a cause. Gale..his.."

Riley gasped then took her last breath.

"Riley!" We cried out in unison again. Dread settle over us. We lost our little sister again.

Then a shimmering form of Riley appeared in front of us.

"Don't dwell on my death" She whispered, smiling sadly "You got task to do. You got to move forward."

We just stared at her.

"Your enemy is what you think he is" She whispered "More danger to come....I said too much"

We gawked at her.

"I must go" She sighed "I will wait for you. You know that right?"

"Don't.." I croaked, while Raynard sobbed.

Gale's Revenge(Mocking Jay's Next book) EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now