Goodbye and Hello

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"Gale..." I choked on my own tears. Gale, my best friend was gone. He was lifeless, gone from our world.

"Katniss.."I heard sympathy and grief in Peeta's voice as he grieved for his lost friend.

I turned to look at people around me. Rayna and Raynard stared horrified at their broken uncle. Finnick and Rue hung their heads, grieving. Peeta's eyes clouded with tears.

Then I heard a faint whisper. "You got to move on Catnip."

I turned to look at ghost Gale, hovering above his lifeless form. I turned to Peeta but he was frozen in time, so was rest of people around me.

"We need to talk in private." Gale said grimly."It's about Cato."

I nodded.

"You might have guessed but he's not completly dead." Gale growled. "He is lurking somewhere in the underworld, furious with his defeat. He will come back. Be careful."

I nodded.

"But we will protect you." Gale smiled. "We will try our best."


"Me and Riley" A young girl, identical to Rayna appeared, grinning.

"Rayna's sister?" I guessed, knowing I am right.

"You won't be able to see us for a long time." Gale said. "But we will be near you. Remember that."

With that my best friend and Riley disappeared without trace.



I stepped onto the pale grass of the underworld, where ghost roam free. I could sense everything around me.

Then I sensed movement.

"Watch out!" I cried a warning to Gale. Thank lord he understood.

He grabbed his sword from thin air and defected the knife. Clove jumped out from the tree along with Glimmer, holding a bow. But where Cato?

I closed my eyes and concentrated. Then I saw him. He going to the portal to the human world!

"The portal!" I yelled at Gale and his eyes widened.

"That's right!" Clove smirked. "Too late!"

I grabbed my sword, Ghostreaper, and charged them. Glimmer shot arrows at me but I dodged and slashed them in half. Gale charged Glimmer and knocked her aside. I slashed my sword at Clove who defected with her knives.

"Move!" I ordered. "Or I will cut you to pieces!"

"You can try!" Clove challenged, but fear traced her bold voice.

I growled and shoved her back. Fast as light, I slammed my sword hilt on the back of her neck. She crumpled. Glimmer had already fled.

"Come on!" Gale yelled at me.

I ran with blinding speed. I could catch glimpse of Gale. He jumped into the portal. I lunched my self in the portal.

I landed on the street of District 12. I saw Cato heading toward my sister's house. Gale landed behind me and we charged.

Cato threw the door and into Rayna's bedroom then he disappeared.


"Are you sure?" Gale asked. "You can't come back."

"I know that. But Cato had cursed him and I am going to cure her."

"I won't stop you."

"You shouldn't"

"Forever goodbye?"

"Forever goodbye." I hugged my ghost friend tightly.Then I held out my skinny sword, Ghostreaper. "I want you to give this to"

He nodded.

"Good bye"



7 years later

I gasped in pain. The pain in my belly was suffocating me. I blindly crawled at the bedsheets as another wave of pain hit me.

"Just a little more!" The nurse urged.

A baby boy slid into the blanket.

"Another one coming soon!" She warned.

I gasped in pain as another wave of pain hit me. It was too painful.

"You can do this sister!" Riley voice whispered. "I know you can!"

Then pain was all gone. A girl slid out. She opened her eyes, it was starling blue like Riley's. Then I looked at her forearm. It had the mark.

Finnick came charging in the room.

"A girl and a boy" Nurse nodded and retreated out of the room.

"I want to name her Riley" I said stubbornly. "After Riley"

He nodded. "Can I name the boy?"-he went on without my reply-"I want to name him Cayden, spirit of the battle."

Then the boys eyes opened, they were fierce blue, scary blue. He glared at me and Finnick ad closed his eyes.

The girl however, laughed and giggled as I put her on my lap. She squirmed and fidgeted with everything, her blanket, my sleeves.

He boy open his mouth and whispered softly as the snow landing on the doorstep, "Cato..."

A/N: What do you think! Thumbs up or down???

Gale's Revenge(Mocking Jay's Next book) EDITING!Where stories live. Discover now