chapter two; the first time i kinda believed

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____________'the first time I kinda believed'

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'the first time I kinda believed'

Mira's pov:
Waking up, I grabbed my already packed bag, and leave my room. I leave a note for Lisanna, and Elfman telling them I've gone, as they were still asleep, and make my way towards the train station.

As I continued walking I pondered what this week with Laxus would be like. The master never actually said we had to be friends by the end of it. But is there even a chance we could become friends? I strongly doubt it, the closest we'll get is being able tolerate each other's presences for more then five minutes.

Letting out a sigh, I begin to look around, trying to find Laxus in the bustling crowd at the train station. I had never been at the train station at rush hour on my own, and even then it was with makarov, I was sat a top his shoulders, so I didn't have to face the swell of humans by myself. I tried to cling to the outer edge the crowd, to avoid getting sucked in, but my attempts was useless.

I had never been claustrophobic before, but in that almighty swell of humanity I felt a slight panic rise in my chest. When they moved I had to also and if my feet failed to keep up I risked being trampled underfoot.

Even in the bitter January cold I felt the warmth of all those bodies pressing in. People were gaunt and serious, there was hardly a single utterance in the thousands strong throng, save a few frightened yelps. There was nothing for it but to move with the crowd. I could smell them too, the people I mean, an unholy agglomeration of perfumes, body odour and over-applied cologne.

That was until a large, hand grabbed me, and roughly yanked me out of the crowd, and onto a bench.

Great. It was Laxus.

"That was a great idea. A small girl like you trying to push through the rush hour crowd." Sighed Laxus, wearing his usual emotionless facade.

"How else was I meant to get through?" I Snapped.

"Just hop onto my back." Sighed Laxus, as he stood in front of the bench, waiting for me to jump on.

"What. Why?" I quickly asked, confused at this random act of kindness.

"Well I'm guessing gramps wants us both back, so if you're gonna get trampled it should at least be on the mission, not the at train station."


I wrapped my slim arms around his neck, and my legs around his waist, as he grabbed the under side of my thighs, and pushed through the crowds towards the train. His tall, buff body, easily making its way towards the train, almost effortlessly. The complete opposite to me.

"You can get off now." Huffed Laxus, once we made it onto the train.

"Oh yeah. Sorry."

We found an empty booth, and took seats opposite each other.

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