Chapter 8: day seven, catching a thief

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Laxus' pov:
Sprinting into the kitchen, Mira close behind me.
"MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!" I scream, as waiters and, waitresses throw there selves out of the way. I couldn't see the suspicious men, but there is only one door, so I run through it, and it leads us to an ornate, fancy corridor, that's full of more doors. Turning to Mira, I say.
"We need to split up, you go stay with the ring, I'll try to find these guys before they can do anything." She gives me a determined nod, before taking off down the corridor.

I run in the opposite direction of mira, hoping to find at least a clue of where those guys had gone. Whilst running, I hear something, or someone drop down behind me, as I spin around, I see out of the corner of my eye a fist flying towards my face, and catch it, and throw the guy against the wall. He effortlessly manages to rust around in the air, and do a few spins and flips, before landing opposite me, a few feet away from me. It was that tall, pale, lanky guy from earlier.
"Well, well, Well what have we got here?" Asked the man, in a cocky tone.
"Why don't you tell me what you think you're doing?" I asked.
"Aren't you one of those mages who kidnapped two of my fellow guild mages?" He asked, cocking he's head to the side, a demonic smile painted in he's face.
"So you are apart of that dark guild. I'm guessing you're here for the ring then. " I said, glaring. "Well I ain't gonna let that happen."
"What are you gonna do about it?" She asked, he's satanic smile growing.

"This." I announced, balling my hands into a fist and lunging towards him. He jumped over me, doing some more spins, and landing elegantly. This guy is really light on he's feet. Lunging for him again, he did another dodge, full of flips and spins. He's fast too, I doubt I'm gonna get my hands on him, in too slow. I raise my arm into the air, my hand still in a fist, and pull it down, hard and fast, and watch as numerous blots of lightning come flying down, striking all around him, he couldn't of possibly dodged that. As the smoke, and lightening clear, I see him standing there, not a single mark on him. He gives me another sadistic smile, before running towards me.

Mira's pov:
As I'm running down the corridor, I make a few turned, before I'm greeted by a familiar corridor, and I spot the room where the ring is. Just as I spot the door, I see it open, and one of the men from earlier appears coming out of it. I'm too late. It's the short, dark skinned, muscular man, walking out, holding the ring.
"Stop right there." I yell, standing a few feet down the corridor from him. He turns to face me, and looks me up and down, before laughing.
"Girlie, you really think you can stop me." He said, arrogantly.
"Oh yeah?" I questioned, before turning into my satan soul. "Still think I can't handle you?" I ask. He simply carries on laughing.
"In your dreams girlie." He said, before he started grunting, he's shirt, and blazer spilt, and fall off of he's toned chest, he starts to grow in height and width, before he's twice the size as before. Sharp quills began to sprout all over he's back, he's face had a coating of short thick black hairs, and a small about, he looked just like a porcupine.

The shock I was in must of been painted on my face, as he began to laugh at my expression, before flexing he's arms, and dozens of sharp quills came flying towards me, I was quick to dodge, but a few managed to scape my arms, leaving blood dripping onto the floor, and making small pools next to where I stand.
"You're gonna have to be quicker then that girlie." He called out, cocky as ever, before unleashing another round of quills towards me.

Laxus' pov:
Gasping for air, It took all of my remaining effort to simply stand, as this guys unleashed another volley of attacks. He used sped magic, I could barely even see him, as he flashed by my eyes, I tried to turn to face him, but I got a glimpse of him flipping over my head, before landing some hard kicks into my back.
"AHHHHHH!" I yelled, as this fight had turned into a one-sided beating, and I'm use to do the beating, so this was different for me. I was on my knees, clutching my the floor, as I panted heavily, almost dog like.

"Had enough?" He asked, cocking he's head to the side, that sadistic smile never leaving he's face. I remained silent as I got up onto my shaky knees, expressing my arms, and unleashing a cage of lightning bolts around the man, and just like I'd expected he dodged them, but he hadn't realised that whilst he was throwing me around like some limp rag doll, I had placed many pods of lightning on the floor, mines, ready to go off on my command.

As he was twirling through the air, dodging all of my lightning land mines, he was so focused on that, he seemed to off forgotten that I was even there, I took this as a chance to unleash a scorching bolt of lightning into he's body. He's screams filled the hallway, as he's limp body fell to the ground, twitching from all the lightning inside of him, still screaming like a wild banshee.
"Cocky bastard." I spat, limping past he's still convulsing body, toward the ring. I hope mira is alright. My thoughts had becomes plagued by her.

Mira's pov:
Still trying my best to keep up with this guys attacks, I become fatigued, and unfocused, as one of he's quills cut straight through the right shoulder. I scream out it pain, as one of my hands clutch the wound. The man simply laughs at me, before unleashing another volley of quills in my direction. I notice that this guys had me on the defence the whole fight, I haven't even landed a simple hit on him yet.

I gather my hands together, and start to form a black ball or darkens a magic in them, I expand the ball, before turning to my opponent, and realising them, causing a huge beam of darkness magic to strike him, I see as my magic fades, he had created a thick wall of quills, to evade my attack with. Whisky he was hidden behind he's wall, I fly behind him, at immense speed, and give him a hard kick in the centre of he's back, where it was bare, as he was waiting for more quills to grow back. The hit sends him flying through he's wall of quills, and landing on he's face, sliding a few feet. He turns over, and jumps up just in one to dodge my punch, and goes to counter attack. He shoved two of he's chubby fingers into the hole on my shoulder, I scream out in agony as I feel the warm liquid ooze out down the rest of my arm. I make my way being him, and grab him my the back of he's head, and through him into the wall. As he gets up, the entirety of the front of he's body is covered to deep cuts from landing in he's own quills. A final punch to the head is enough to push him over the edge to unconsciousness.

As he's body hits the floor with a loud thud, I transform out of my Satan soul, and fall to my knees, gasping for air, clutching the wound on my shoulder. What was originally the size of a thick pin hole, was now a huge ugly open wound, blood speedily tricking down, forming a huge pool of blood on my knees.

I begin to heat the sound of laboured breathing, and unsteady footsteps, I jump to my feet, ready for another fight, but instead I'm greeted by a familiar blond. He looked to be in a bad shape, but no where as near as bad as me. He sees me, and begins to rush towards me, he's face full of worry. As I try to take a step, I feel my legs buckle from underneath me, as I began to fall. "Laxus." I croaked, barely a whisper, as my vision began to fade to black, and just as I was about to hit the floor, I feel a familiar pair of muscular arms catch me, and the faint far away sound of someone yelling my name, as I let myself fall unconscious.

I know there wasn't a lot of laxus x mira in this chapter, but I promise there will be in the next one, and I'm trying to write a chapter a day, so the next chapter is full of laxus x mira moments and, you won't have to wait long for it. After they've returned to fairy tail, should I carry on this book with other things with them, or start something new, please tell me what you would like to see. Xx

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