Chapter 20: battle of phantom lord

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Mira's pov:
After confronting Laxus about him sneaking out, he stopped it. For a while. Now he's never even there when I go to bed, saying he had some important business with the thunder legion. He acts more distant, and won't tell me anything anymore.

Time skip

Phantom lord, a dark guild, completely trashed out guild hall. Everyone was shocked at this, but it wasn't enough to take revenge over.

But this, this was too far. Levy, and the rest of shadow gear, were bolted to a tree. Bruised and bloody, unconscious. How could anyone do such a terrible thing?

I stayed by their sides in the infirmary, whilst the rest of fairy tail went to phantom lord, seeking revenge.

Time skip

I had such such a bad feeling about all of this, even though fairy tail was one of Fiore's strongest guilds, I was still worried. Something bad was going to happen.

My suspicions were confirmed when the rest of fairy tail returned, with the master half dead.

"What happened?" I frantically asked, helping to get him into an infirmary bed.

"It was phantom lord's elemental four, they're just too strong." Remarked someone.

"I knew something bad was going to happen." I muttered, checking over the master. Looking around, I don't see Lucy, or Natsu.

"Where's Lucy, and Natsu?" I asked, still looking around Incase I'd missed them.

Guild became eerily quite at the mention of their names, people looking down at their feet.

"Lucy was kidnapped, but Natsu went to go get her back." Said Erza, resting a hand on my shoulder, as I too looked to the ground in sorrow for Lucy.

"In the meantime, why don't you go help Cana, in looking for reinforcements." Suggested Erza, I simply nodded my head, as I walked towards Cana, and the communication lacrima.

"Dammit!" Yelled Cana, flinging an empty bottle across the room, it shattering on the wall next to the door I'd just walked through.

"Oh sorry Mira." She said, noticing my entrance.

"It's okay, Erza sent me here to help." I told her, walking towards her.

"There's only one lets on left." Noted Cana, taking a gulp of her liquor.

"Who?" I inquired, noticing her unease at this mystery man.

"Laxus." She sighed.

Of course I'd have to be him.

"Cana I hate to ask this of you, but I really can't face Laxus right now, would you be able to do it?" I asked, studying the floor.

"Yeah, of course Mira." She answered, giving me a pitiful smile, as she called him on the lacrima.

I stood so he couldn't see me, but so I could see him, and watched their heated conversation.

"You know what I'll help you, if you get blondie to be my woman, and you strip for me." He smirked, at Cana, who had a look of total disgust, which faded into pity, as she looked at my shocked, teary face.

"Mira." She said in a gentle tone, as I tried to hold back my tears.

"What." Snapped Laxus, suddenly a look of worry washing over his face. "What did you just say." Shouted Laxus.

"I said Mira." Yelled Cana. Confirming what he's first heard.

"Mira I-." But before he had the chance to finish, I punched the communication lacrima, shattering it to pieces.

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