Chapter 9: the infirmary

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A/n: I'm really sorry I havnt uploaded anything, I've been in hospital recently, and I'm still recovering, so I made sure that this chapter was full of miraxus moments, and that it was longer then the others. Sorry that I kept you waiting. Hope you enjoy! Xx

Mira's pov:
My eyes slowly flutter open, and I squint at the bright, white ceiling above me. Looking around, I see that I'm in an infirmary room, it looks a lot like the one at fairy tail. How did I get here? The last thing I remember was fighting that guy, who transformed into a porcupine.

I swing my legs over the end of the bed, and plant my hands on either side of my body, and push up. As the blood rushes to my head, I feel a little dizzy, and lightheaded. Clinging to the bed post, i wait for it to pass before I continue.

I slowly trudge along the side of my bed, using it to support me. The moment I let go, and try to walk on my own, my legs buckle from underneath me, I use my good arm to grab my stomach, which was in agony, and let out a small gasp, whilst I waiting for my body to collide with the hard wooden floors.

To my shock, a pair of muscular arms gently, but swiftly wrap around my torso, catching me.
"Laxus?" I mutter, still confused about what was going on.
"Jeez Mira, try waking me before you do anything stupid." He sighed, hauling me to my feet, one hand on my upper arm, the other woven around my waist, as he guides me back to the bed.

As I sat down, I saw a plastic chair in a dark corner of my room, with Laxus' coat thrown over it.
"What happened?" I questioned, my frail voice barely above a whisper.
"You passed out." He replied, in he's usual monotone voice, pulling he's chair to my bedside. "Those quills you were hit with, had a coating of lethal poison on them, were lucky you're still alive." He said, staring at he's feet.
"O-Oh." Was all I could say.

I studied he's face, I could never tell what he was thinking. He didn't seem happy, nor sad. I kept my eyes pinned on he's face, and started to notice things, as I stream of sunlight fell upon he's face. He's eyes were being pulled down by huge, dark circles, and bags, he's usually effortlessly slicked back hair, was a ruffled mess that kept falling over he's eyes, to which he would comb back with he's fingers every now and then. He was wearing the same trousers and shirt from the party, but he's shirt was covered in uneven patches of a dark musty brown liquid.

Dried blood.

My blood.

At first he seemed calm and composed about this whole ordeal, but now I'm real reevaluating it, he's anything but clam and composed, he looks on edge, jittery, unfocused, restless, and the one word I thought I would never use to describe him with.


He looked so, so afraid.

Extending an arm, I lean over, ignoring the blaring pain in my abdomen, and cup he's cheek with my hand. He flicked he's gaze up to mine, those Aluminum coloured eyes, looked lifeless, full of sorrow, pained.
"I'm sorry." He whispers, he's voice breaking on the sorry. "I'm, so, so sorry Mira." He croaked, attempting to hold back a silent sob, as he's shoulders began to uncontrollably shake, as tears raced down he's checks, he's eyes once again glued to the floor. I grab he's head, with both hands, and pull him so he's chin is resting on my shoulder, he's arms wrap around my lower back, squeezing me tight, never wanting to let go again. I place a hand on he's back, and rub he's blond locks with my other hand, as I repeatedly tell him things likes. "It's okay." "I'm not leaving you again." "It's all going to be okay." As he continued to sob, uncontrollably.

We stayed like this for a whole, before he whispers. "I was too weak."
"What do you mean" I question, as he pulls back, still holding me, and looks me in the eyes.
"I couldn't protect you." He says, eyes full of guilt.
"It was never your job to protect me Laxus, we both knew the job was dangerous, and sometimes people get hurt, but it was never your fault Laxus, so you need to stop blaming yourself for it, and at the end of the day it doesn't even matter, because I'm still here, and so are you, and that's the important thing." I say, he gives me a weak smile, along with a small nod.

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