Chapter 10: rumours

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Laxus' pov:
Waking up, I realise that Mirajane had managed to escape my grip, I roll over, brushing my hands all over my bed, searching for her body, until I open eyes, confirming that she wasn't there.

I let out a loud sigh. Did she rush out early this morning, unable to face me after what I said last night, I knew it was too soon to tell her that I loved her, I knew that it'd only scare her off, but I did it anyway. God, I'm such an idiot.

I carry on racking my brain for reasons for why she would of left me, without even saying goodbye. Until I get a sniff of bacon, eggs, and other delicious breakfast foods coming from the kitchen.

I make my way into the kitchens, and there she is, her back facing me, as she washes a few pots, quietly humming away to herself. My usual breakfast that I order at the guild is laid out in front of me on the table. I can't help but let a hue smile creep onto my face. She didn't leave me, she made me breakfast.

I was still only in my boxers, and she was still only wearing her pants, and a huge whits T-shirt of mine. I walked over to her, and wrapped my arms around her waist, and nestled my head into the crook in-between her neck, and shoulder. The sudden action made her jump a little, until she realised it was me, and she leaned back into the embrace, drying her hands on a tea towel.
"Good morning." She greeted, in a good mood.
"Good morning." I grunted back, making my way over to the table, and began to tuck into the food, whilst she sat opposite me, still smiling.
"Does it taste good?" She asked, I have her a nod, as I continued to stuff my face full of her yummy food. She simply met out a small giggle at me. We continued to talk a bit over breakfast, then I helped her wash up, as she left to take a shower.

I fell back onto the sofa, once I'd gotten dressed, and began to browse through the different shows on the television lacrima. I heard the sound of the shower turning off, followed by Mira, waking into the room, stopping behind the sofa I was sprawled on. I look backwards over the sofa to get a glimpse at her.

Her hair was wrapped up in a towel sat on her head, and she had a small towel wrapped around her body. Damn, she looks good in anything.
"Do you have any spare clothes?" Asked mira.
"Yeah, help yourself to anything in my wardrobe." I replied, as I watched as she walked out the room, unable to take my eyes yes off of the stunning model in my home.

She changed into an old pair of grey joggers, with a large white T-shirt, tied up, she told me that she was going back to her place, to get changed, and that she'll meet me at the guild.

Once I arrived at the guild, I took a seat at the bar, keeping to myself.
"The usual?" Questioned Kinana, in her usual chipper tone.
"No thanks, I've already eaten." I replied. She raised an eyebrow, she knew I didn't cook, then she figured it out.
"Ohhhh so did Mirajane crash at yours then?" She asked, a little too loudly, as I few people began to ask the same questions as yesterday, when I carried Mira out of the guild. The main one being, are we a couple? I myself didn't even know the answer to that question.
"Keep it down, will ya?" I sighed at Kinana, who had a guilty look on her face.
"Sorry Laxus." She said, before going and taking someone else's order.

Then the guild doors open.
"Good morning everyone!" Called our Mira, with the voice of an angle, a few people returned her fretting, as she made her way through the guild, towards her little sister, and brother. Yet again, I'm unable to keep my eyes off of her.

"So, are the rumours true?" Asked makarov, as he took a swig from he's beer. Jeez he's already drinking this early in the morning.
"Tch." I replied, looking away, not wanting to make eye contact, as he can see right through me.
"You don't even know yourself." He whispered, sounding amused.
"Shut up old man." I snapped, glaring at him.
"Well by the sounds of things, and from  what I saw yesterday, seems the mission was a success." Said the master.
"Yeah, on my way here, I managed to grab the reward, I still need to give Mira her share of it." I answered,still watching her chat away with her siblings, she looked happy, with a huge smile plastered on her face, and that infectious laugh of hers, which made the rest of the work melt away. I couldn't help but smile, as I admired her from a far.
"Young love." Commented the master, which made me spit my drink out, as he was on the floor laughing.
"Tch." I spat, looking away from him.

I was enjoying my morning, in peace and quite, sipping on my drink. Until I felt a huge hand smack me on the back, as the guy sat down next to me. I quickly turned my head to the side, ready to rip these guys arm off, till I see Elfman was the one sat next to me. God I hate this guy, he's always going on about being a man, it's so annoying, but I guess I'll have to try and get along with him, as he is Mira's brother.
"What do you want Elfman?" I ask, trying to not to sound like I was already down with this conversation.
"I think it's time for you to be A REAL MAN, and ask my sister out already." He said, with a serious look in he's eyes. I let out a sigh, great first gramps, now this guy. What didn't help the situation was that Makarov was sat on the other side of me, howling in laughter at the situation.
"Just drop it." I snap, giving him a glare, which made him back off.
"The brats got a point Laxus, she isn't tied down just yet, so if another guy was to come along to ask her on date, there would be nothing stopping her from accepting." He said, seriously.

Shit, I never even thought of that, how am I even gonna ask her out, I hate talking out my feelings, it feels so embarrassing, but she did say she loved me, so does that mean we are together. What if she meant it platonically, and only thinks of me as a friend, if so then why would she make out with me then, and sleep with me. God I need to just ask her about it, I'll do it tonight, there it's decided.

I was so caught up in thought, I didn't even realize that she was stood in front of me behind the bar.
"Hi Laxus." She said, smiling as usual.
"Hey Mira." I replied, the smallest of smile managed to of crept up onto my face, which was rare for me. Just by looking at her, I felt my heart began to beet like a drunk inside my chest, and felt butterflies in my stomach. No ones ever made me feel this way. God I hate how this girl was me wrapped around her little finger.
"Mira, I need to speak with you tonight,  I'll wait for you after your shift, I'm off out on a job for a bit for now." I announced, standing up, and draping my coat over my shoulders.
"Ok Laxus, be careful!" She called after me, as I began to stroll out of the guild, a easy job request folded in my hand, surely that'll help take my mind of off her.

Mira's pov:
I watched as Laxus walked out of the guild. I wonder why he wants to speak to me about.

He's words lingered in my mind all day, as I worked my shift behind the bar, I'm really curious to what he wants to talk to about, I start to think of different reason he might have. What if he wants to end whatever this is between us, what if I was only a game for him, and this was all an act, I start to worry about tonight, scared to what words might come out of Laxus mouth. I just hope he returns my feelings for him.

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