Chapter 5: day four, sparks fly

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This chapter isn't really that long, but I was running out of ideas, please tell me if you want me to carry this on, because originally I was just gonna do you to seven days, then finish it off, but if people are actually enjoying this, then I'll carry it on some more. Hope you enjoy!

—-Mira's pov:—-
Waking up, I roll over onto my back, propping myself onto my elbows. Laxus was sat in front of the telescope, surveying the manor. I stayed like this for a few minutes, staring at him. From he's messy, blonde, tussled hair, to he's toned back, and shoulders, as he was sat shirtless. Already at a youngish age, he was already building a fair bit of muscle. I couldn't help but imagine my hands, running across he's muscular back, pulling him closer to my body, running my lips over he's, rough, plump ones, threading my hands throw he's blond locks. I'm trying to find a hundred ways to get rid of these thoughts, but it's no use, I just kept imagining it, over and, over and, over again, that was until.
"I can feel you staring at me." He said, I could feel him smirking.
"I-I w-wasn't staring at you." I said, stumbling over my words.
"Sure." He answered, clearly not believing me. He turned around, I couldn't help but, stare at the outline of he's abs. I but my lip, slightly as I couldn't take my eyes of off him. He cleared he's throat, which snapped me out of it, and I quickly looked up at he's eyes, where he had raised one of he's eyebrows at me. I look away sheepishly, knowing my cheeks must look like they were on fire right now.
"Wow can you even go one second with checking me out." Joked Laxus.
"Shut up." I snapped back, not even trying to deny it.
"Whilst you were getting your beauty sleep, I interrogated your attackers, they are apart of a dark guild, who's mission is to steal the ring, so I think we should search the village, Incase there's any others from he's guild here right now, but I doubt we'll be seeing any until the day of the ceremony thingy." He announced.
"Okay, sounds like a plan." I replied. He turned back around, as I got ready to leave.
"So you gonna pot a shirt on then?" I questioned him.
"Yeah, I don't want to be distracting you." Laxus teased with a smirk. I playfully give him a smack on he's toned arm. He replied by leaning over, and giving me a slight push, which caught me off guard, and sent me stumbling a step back, he kept on laughing at this. I scowl at him, and march other, putting all of my weight into a shove, but he doesn't even budge, just continues laughing at my efforts. I take that as an opportunity to give him another shove, not expecting it, he falls of the small rock formation, he was slumped onto. I didn't realize how much of my own weight I put into it, as I fell onto Laxus. He's back hit the ground, with a soft thud, I land on he's chest, he lets out a soft grunt, as we both continue laughing. We stay like this for a few seconds, as we continue laughing. Our eyes meet, our laughing slowly dies down, our faces were just a few centimeters away from each other. Without even thinking, my hand moves, with a mind of its own to Laxus' face. Softly laying it down on he's check, he moves he hands from he's side, to the bottom of my back, his large hands, linking together behind me, pulling us even closer together. Ever so slowly, we both lean in, until our lips were just a moment away from touching. I was aching to feel he's lips sliding over mine, in a passionate embrace, but we stop, waiting to see if the other, was gonna pull away. After seeing that neither of us were trying to pull away, we both finally rush towards the others, our lips colliding into a passionate embrace, I could feel him, slowly trying to pry my lips apart, so he could slip he's tongue into my mouth, I resist the urge to do so, that was until he's hands quickly, slipped down and, gave my arse a slight squeeze, which made me gasp, giving him enough space, to slip he's tongue into my mouth, i could feel him smirk against my lips. Our tongues collided, fighting for dominance, in the end he won, he's tongue discovering all corners of my mouth. My hands running up and down he's chest, feeling he's toned abs, he's hands still held my ass. We finally break away from this embrace, panting like dogs. Rolling of off him to the side, I jump up, blushing like mad, as the realization of what just happened hit me. He propped himself up into he's elbows, raising an eyebrow at me, I looks away, eyes studying the floor, giving him a sheepish smile. He gets up, and pulls a top on, and causally slips he's arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him once again, as we made our way towards the village.

—-Laxus' pov:—-
As I slipped an arm, around her delicate frame, pulling her close to me once again, i couldn't help but replay what just happened over, and over, and over, in my head. I was still in awe, at how I had completely fallen for this girl, who was meant to be my rival, not even a week ago, I was wishing for her to just drop dead, now I couldn't keep my hands off of her. I wondered what last me would do, if he saw present me, with he's arm wrapped around Mira, unable to let her go. It was embarrassing enough that I liked her, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't keep my hands off of her, it was like she infected me, as she's all I can think about, every minute of every day, I can't do anything to keep her off my mind. But does she even feel the same way? I pondered to myself.

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