Chapter 3 ( E V )

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" A chance to live once more"

A chance to live once more I repeated.

Rebirth? Reborn? The idea was absolutely absurd or crazy. If this unknown entity can grant me the chance then, why not? I will definitely grab this opportunity and rewrite my destiny.

Being alive again, Its the most wonderful thing I ever experience but also the most painful one. But a chance to live once more is incorrect it is a chance to appreciate life once again.

Should I live a peaceful life or should I get payback and retaliate. Hahahhahahhaha evil laugh slowly escape from my lips.

The tables have turned, circumstances changed. Let me have the final shot and strike them real hard.

"So whats the deal? " I ask even if this stranger is a God. I just cant trust this 'person'. Even though the idea of being alive again is preposterous , I cant just let this go. This is a chance, an opportunity.

"Do not worry, I'll ask nothing for return, so do not fret. Me doing this is free. " It said like it was a normal thing to do.

"Huh? " am I hearing this right? Even business man wants something in exchange for a deal.

No interest? No additional task?

As if 'it' read my mind " Ask no more. Just let me watch a good show." after saying that I could feel something in my body. A strong force pulling me in but before I disappear I saw a figure. A person covered in a black cloak I couldnt see its face but I could see its smile.

You want to watch a good show? sure not a problem, I'll show you a very good one.


I open my eyes and saw myself in a familiar surrounding. A big room painted in pink, decorated with the finest furniture, expensive toys especially the human sized teddy bears and huge doll house displayed in the middle. A grand king size bed could be seen, window overlooking the flowers that seems to be alive under the sunlight. This is familiar, overly familiar.

I got off from the bed and then stood in front of the full length mirror at the side. It reflects a child around 7 years old with exquisite features. Her raven black hair reached untill to her knees, it was moving like praisee grass in the wind. Her eyes lashes long thick and dark emphasizing her big turquoise colored eyes that twinkles in innocence, small cute nose not mention those lips pale pink that will remind you of rose bud.

She looks familiar but then I realize that it was me. Oh my Goodness 'that' God wasn't joking around. Is this what they call rebirth or reborn like those in the novel that I have read before. I cant believe this. I dont really believe on those superficial things but this is different. Im not dreaming am I?

No words could describe how I really felt as of the moment. Speechless.

"Young miss Im coming in. " three knocks could be heard before a thin looking girl not to the point of being malnourished, wearing a maids outfit enters.

"Celia? CELIAAA!!." I screamed and run off to hug her.

Celia my most trusted maid. She never left me despite everything that happened. She was there at my worst moment, my downfall but met with an unfortunate accident that leads to her death.

She was overwhelm with my hug. "I am sorry" I wanted to say that to her in my past life. Everything should be blamed to me, if it wasnt my doing she wouldnt die, everyone wouldnt be dead. Now I was given a chance, I would protect everything and everyone at all cost.

"Yo-young mi-miss? " she must me startled at my sudden outburst.

"Pardon me Celia. " I said as I wipe my tears thats keeps streaming from my eyes endlessly.

"Are you okay young miss? Why are you crying? Are you feeling discomfort somewhere? Are you down with fever? I should tell Head Maid Maria right away. " I grabbed her hand before she turns around.

She keeps asking question all at the same time. A typical Celia.

"No Im fine Celia. I--

What should I say? That I just got rebirth? that I witness everyone's dying moment? Or how foolish I was?

"I-im just Happy. " I continued. Yes Im happy. This opportunity has landed on me so I just gotta make things right.

I looked at her giving the do-not-question-me-look

" As you say so young miss, Ive brought you snacks. Since your not feeling fine this morning, We've contacted Sir and Madame from Country B they will be arriving around dinner time. " she said putting the tray with cookies and milk on the table.

Sir? Madame? It cant be right?

Dada and Moma theyre alive. I cant wait to see them. Last time I remember how they die. Car crash, an accident but I know it wasnt. I was greeted by theyre corpse by the time I went to the hospital.

How bloody their body became.

I thought it was unfair why did they leave me. Why did they have to go without saying goodbye. I should been there with them, I should have died.

I still remembered our last moment. They were in a hurry and worried but still they didnt forget me. Reassuring me that everything will be alright when they get back. But they broke their promise the-they left me. All alone on my own.

At the same time my brother was missing . Wait brother? Huh my brother!

I grabbed Celia's arm. "Daimon where's big bro? "

"Young master? Didnt he call you young miss yesterday? I think right now he should be at that campus."

Campus she says. Oh right he must be studying.

Dada,Moma and big bro I will protect all of you this time just like how you protected me the last time. You never once did give up on me even knowing that every bad luck that has happened to our family was my own doing. You all shielded my name and maintained my dignity. I am very grateful to have all you in my life.

" What is the date and year today Celia?" I ask while composing myself.

" Febuary 23, 2034." so I was back 15 years ago. At this time around I still didnt met 'him' not until 5 years later.

'Him's tsk he should just go rot to hell. I will get my revenge just wait and see how I will crushed and trample 'him' together with that white lotus vixen.

I should do that but not now I will enjoy and cherished every moment with my family. Planning our future and avoiding misfortune.

"Celia what did I say. You should call me by my name not young miss." I reprimanded her.

I'm Keziah Estella Alkajeet and the bad girl is back, bitches.

Rebirth: Rewriting My Destiny (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now