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Flashback (Few years ago)

Keziah remembered that it was this time that the [{World of God's}] started to develope and by the end of this year was Launched by Gue Group of Companies.

It was the first holographic game so its success was over the chart. The first of the first and was globally accepted. Accumulating hundreds of million.

So Keziah decided to form another partnership with the said company, other than her Alkajeet Empire. Calling Finley to negotiate the contract and seal the deal. She must also be there to witness a miraculous spectacle that would shaken the world very soon.

Closing the elevator to go to the top floor of Hayue Building where the meeting takes place. A hand prevented it to be closed.

That hand belong to a thin looking man in his late 20's. Messy hair, wearing glassess and holding a bunch of folders. She shakes her head. .

Doesnt he mind his public image?

Anyway that man also went in the elevator. So there were two person now, Keziah and that disheveled stranger.

"What floor are you Big brother?" she asked. Since that person has no plan pressing his floor.

"Huh? Ah yes-yes Floor 63 please. Thank you little sis."

Floor 63 same floor to where Ill be going. What a coincidence.

(Authors Note: Lets say it is common for strangers to call each other big bro, big sis, little bro, little sis. I still cant use the word Mister because I think it is too formal)

Keziah have no plans in engaging in a conversation with a stranger. The atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

Glancing at him, he must be a diligent worker, holding a lot of files, until one in particular caught her attention.

"World of God's?" she curiosly asked.

" As this little sis is a game im developing actually this is also my childhood dream. I'll tell you a secret this is not your ordinary videogames, or a normal PlayStation game nor your usual app but a holographic one. You may not be familiar with that word but you will understand it once it is released.

As a matter of fact I previously exhibited the proposal many times before yet it was constantly dismissed by my supervisor saying that it is preposterous . In any case, this time Im going to attempt my luck again and show them the prototype. Since I am only an intern I didnt have enough money to fund my project, I did what I must, Loaning from the bank and borrowing from my colleagues. But those problems will not stop me. I have working on it for a considerable length of time probably many years now, I cant simply give up. I got the feeling that this time it will be approved. Wish me luck little sis." he said it fast, like a kid bragging his new toy.

But did this man said that he is working and developing it. She must heard it wrong.

" What is your name Big Brother?. "

" It's Lance, Lance Andrew little sis. "

Lance Andrew? Never heard of it before. Only Shen Yeyou the man behind the [{World of God's}]. A game developer working under the Gue.

Reminiscing the past, there must be a mistake or something that she forget.

A stolen work.

That must be it!, she read it somewhere in the passing. Someone filed a lawsuit against the Gue for copyright issues. Everyone thought he was crazy and at the end he lose the case. Cant' handle the stress and pressure, that person commited suicide.

D-dont t.tell me that, that person is him?!

At that moment Keziah made a decision. It was an impulsive and so sudden.

"You know what Big brother, I believe in you. Your boss is such a meanie. You deserve a better treatment. Your ideas are not preposterous but I find it amazing. You dont belong here big brother but somewhere high. A place that can recognize your work and that place is Ryglo Company. "

Keziah must thought that this person is somewhat similar to her situation or that goofy smile on his face or being  high spirited when sharing his masterpiece.

That made her want to secure and give this man what he rightfully deserve.

"That newcomer Ryglo Company little sis? I wouldnt get my hopes high. Im merely an intern, there's no way I could get employed to that untouchable company."

"You do not need to worry anything big brother. You just have to present your ideas and let them fund your work."

After I said that I texted Finley.

To: Finley

Changed of plans. Cancel the meeting and do not sign the contract. Hire a man named Lance Andrew from their company and report him at your office tomorrow. ASAP.

Ting–– the elevator door opened.

"So this is a goodbye little sis. It was nice meeting you." he got out of the elevator and walked.

"Wait! ." I shouted and stopped him.

"What's wrong little sis?" he asked and looked at me worriedly.

Such a fine man, I believe I would not regret it.

"5.    - I started to countdown




And.                   - kring. Kring-

and 1." I finished.

"Someone is calling me little sis, kinda excuse me."  I only smiled to his reply.

I watch how his facial expressiom changed. From frowning because of worry to overjoy, he cannot stopped smiling. If possible his smile could reach his ears.

The sunlight beamed from the window, highlighting his unpolished appearance.

Not bad, a little grooming will do. He is a fine gentlemen with his soft features.

"Little sis! You just mentioned it and and and and it unbelievably happened. It was from the Ryglo not just anyone but the secretary of the president. What a Miracle!, little sis dont tell me you are an angel in disguise?! ." I chuckle to his statement.

I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not a devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to fix my mistake.

But I only kept this thoughts to myself.

From there on, Lance Andrew was known as the Father of Holographic Games. Sweeping the world with his absurd but unique ideas.

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