Chapter 17

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Dedicated to : akinpelu001

Thanks for the vote🥰😘

. ~^_^~.

5 years later

The gated of Reagans Univerity stood Magestic, Imposing and Tall. This wrought iron gate are now opened, many would notice that a lot of high-end to latest models of cars are coming in and out.

This private institute boasts regal brick building with arches and ivory. Accented with dozens of beautiful fountains, statues and sculptures.

Not only it is known for its Prestigious structure but also for shaping outstanding students. Offering the best quality education, athletic programs and beneficial extra-curricular activities.

No wonder it is listed among Top Universities all over the world, located at Country R.

Forwarding, Our 17 year old Mc just arrived after a long week of vacation.

A New semester has begun.

Jumping off from the car and eyeing the campus.

She literally did not missed anything. I was still enjoying playing my War of God's planning to maximise my level. Aish!

-jdudbej#jhvhjn *ksnsk-

Another series of curses while maintaining a straight face.

Click click- the sound of the car, implying that it is closed.

Her hair gently flowed down down to her waist, swaying because of her walk. Her eyes held maturity and wisdom.

Holding her bag she went inside straight to her chamber.

One can purchased a chamber and be used as a resting area even one can sleep in here lets say it was similar to an apartment, depends on the design. Its up to you to decorate it. Consist of 8th floor, a seperate building located at the east side. Overall there are more 400 rooms to rent each month.

Since it was early why not get some rest before the class start.

"Welcome back young miss." a robotic voice greeted me.

"Berry goodmorning to you too." it was a program design to make humans life easier. It has overall control to my apartment.

Clapping my hands. The lights were turned on.

"Berry set the temperature to 22°."


"And prepare me a cup of coffee while Im changing to my uniform. Oh also report to me the latest news about the school if there is any."


~~~Few minutes later~~

Grabbing my coffee from the counter, I sit comfortably in the rocking chair.

"Berry you may begin."

"Yes, young miss. A new semester has begun, the new subjects will be included such as chuchuchu etc.

(Authors note: Im to lazy to include the subject just imagine something hehe. 😅🤣😊)

Also a month from now the CBA Triumph an international games league will be held at Country M. Miss Sierra as the leader of the Red Ruby Arlanta will be participating. Representing the cheerleader team from Country R. I believe young miss you will also be going to spectate it and support Miss Sierra knowing her, she would bugged you young miss untill you agree. "

Berry is not only an AI but it is also able to understand or just grasp human emotions.

"Your right about that. Anything else?"

"Today's scheadule an welcoming party will take place at the afternoon in the event center. All students are required to partake to this event hosted by the council."

"I see, not going."

"Article 9 Extracurricular Activities-Rights, Conducts, Rules and Regulation Section 1 Extracurricular Activity Philosophy
Extracurricular activity programs enrich curriculum of the school by making available a wide variety of activities in which a student can participate ––

"Stop stop STOP! Berry FINE! ill be going. Happy now?! You do not need to remind me of such things. Okay?!"

"Understood young miss." if Berry had a face I would imagine it to be smirking at me right now.

"Anyway, what time is it now?"

" 7:47, your classes start at exactly 8:30 am. I advise Young miss to tidy up your things and leave precisely at 8:10 because it is a 20 minute walk to arrived at your respective classroom, Room No. 325 Third Floor at North Annex but using a bike could shorten the distance by a half. Please avoid being late since it would not leave a good impression to your teacher. Believing that late is an early sign of tardiness.

"Why do I feel like you want me out from here Berry? Anyway, Im gonna finish this coffee and be on my way."

"I wish you luck young miss and Have a good day."


Many people turned their heads seeing Keziah, an individual deemed perfect by everyone. A straight 1 student from the BS In Computer Science.

"Keziah, Where are you?"

"Im coming to the classroom how about you? ." A gentle and soft voice replied.

"Im still enjoying ny vacation here, Maybe in the few days I'll be going back there"


"Hehe you know me too well. Anyway dont have fun there while Im not around." and she hung up the call.

Tsk. She will surely regret not seeing a drama coming soon.

Sierra, be sure to witness and not missed it.

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