Chapter 13

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Dedicated to: Denuya

Thanks for the vote😘😍 Do not worry everyone there is still a lot of chapters so you will get your chance😁🥰


Oh no an annoying pest has appeared

I rolled my eyes, paying him no attention.

" So this is now your new tactic, ignoring me huh." even without looking at him. I could envisioned his cheeky grin.

He occupied my right side, shuffling my hair which was hairstyled for hours.

"What is your problem?! Cant you just leave me alone" I said and glared at him.

"You seem alone, So I as the gentlemen I am will entertain this fiesty lady." Wow who is he calling fiesty? Me?

Punching his side and pinching his ears I muttered " Fiesty huh? Are you pertaining that to me?"

"Ouch ouch ouch, why so violent." with that I pinched him even harder.

"Geez calm down senyora." putting his hands up with a defeated look. Releasing my hold, I crossed my arms.

" I came here with no ill intentions ol'right. You dont have to deal everything with violence. Got that to your teeny tiny head cupcake." How can I deal with this playboy? He is even calling me different nicknames.

" Just leave me alone okay, then your gonna spend your life without worrying for your safety or not, see this hands of mine theyre gonna sock your eyeballs out. " I said while giving him a warning look and threatening gestures with my hands.

As If he got it, he hugged himself and showed me a speechless look.

" Your still young but knowing such words tsk tsk tsk. What an troublesome lady I got myself acquainted with"

I facepalmed myself, I have no time to deal with idiots. Speaking to them is a waste for my saliva.

As if he got my cue he stopped talking. Yessss, all I need right now is silence.

But of course as a talkative person he is, he started talking nonsense things.

" So wat'cha doing here outside little Alkajeet?"

"None of your business Mr."

"Come on, call me by my name."

"or dont tell me your shy." he continued while teasing me.

"Its S. A. L-----

" Okay okay I got it Zale. There happy now? "

" So Zale it is, I will let you call me that. "

" Its not like Im honoured calling you that, so dont make it as a big deal Zale "

" No, you should be Sweetie. Your the only person calling me with my second name. So it's a privileged just for you. "

How did I got myself involved with this person in the first place? Oh I remembered, he was one of my dear brother bestfriend, Salem Zale who happened to be 'that beautiful blue eyed person' no scratched that beatiful. His angelic face was a scam. He was the reincarnation of the devil. Pestering me all day whenever we meet and annoying me to death. How did my poor brother find the patience to deal with this unlikely person.

"You two are really different. Unlike your goody-two shoes brother you are a little bit on the livelier side arent you? " he commented. "Looking at you now, you look okay." while eyeing me from bottom to top.

Is he complimenting me or was that an insult.

"Same thing to you, you look errr a little bit decent." I said while looking at him.

🎶 🎵🎺🎻🎷🎹📯🥁🎵🎶

A soft sound of music could be heard here in the balcony coming from the inside.

"Care for a dance honey?" he asked sincerely while offering his hands.

There was a hesitance at first but at the end I accepted his offer.

"Dont make an issue about it, me dancing with you is nothing. I just thought you will look pitiful if I reject." I said proudly while raising my chin up high like dancing with me is an honor for him.

" I'll just leave that to your imagination sweetheart." before laughing softly. For a second, I was stun on how his eyes twinkle in mirth. It was really the most beautiful shade of blue, that I myself cant deny.

It was a warm night, the moonlight splashed down its watery white-silver glow onto the two figures dancing with cordial steps bathing them, illuminating them.

It was an Harmonious atmosphere

Or so you thought....

"Ouch, you stepped on me"

"Sorry, it was just an accident." -Keziah

"No it wasn't."

"Yes it was."-Keziah

"You did that on purpose."

"No, I didnt."-Keziah

"Yes you did."

And the bickering continued on for the rest of the night.

Unbeknownst to themselves, at that moment two hearts beat as one.


Author's note:

Is he the male lead? I dont know, find out soon but anyway...

Wazzup everyone, so I am sorry for not updating this past week its because my hands are full or Im that busy. I just had my exam this monday and tuesday. Wish me luck for the results🙏👍

And also We have reached 1000+reads yeheyyyyyy 🎉👏🙌🎊✨

This call for a celebration.

Here's a free meal for everyone. Grab your utensil now🍴 🍽 🥄

🎂 🍟🍕🌮🌭🍛🍜🍩🥧🧁🍦🍤🍣🍢🍝🥘🥙🌯🍗🥩🥓🍔🥯🥞🥨🥐🥖🍞

I'll pop the champagne 🍾, lets make a toast🍷🍸 and Cheers for the future🥂

I still remembered the time when I havent reached 100 reads. Its such a big achievement in my part. Thank you everyone😍 right now Im overwhelming with joy😭 😄

Shoutout to JingMiao thank you for the comment and follow 😊😘

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