Chapter 8

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Author's note:

Hey! Wazzup guys. Look who's back. As I promise there will be 5 updates yepee!

This chapter is Dedicated to : Pedzzss


"Young miss lets go. " Head maid Maria said while retouching my hairstyle. I nodded my head as a response and held out my tiny hand. Holding it we left my room and headed downstairs.

Before I boarded the car I bid my goodbye to my dear brother who was still in bed, suffering from jet lag.

Today I was thinking to do some shopping. Buy new outfits because my pink closet are hurting my eyes. Too flashy for my taste. I was accompanied by Head Maid Maria and Sir Jerome my personal driver/bodyguard. I wanted Celia to Join me but she was a clumsy girl, she could get lost along the way.

It may take a while to reach the capital because we live on the countryside. My family prefer to live on a quiet and peaceful place rather than to be disturb by the bustling and busy streets. But never underestimate the hectares of land we own and the influence we have.

Looking out the window I could see many trees and plants but all of this will slowly disappear. Skyscraper and towering buildings will soon to rise. Its so sad thinking about it, thinking about how everything will change.

The unpolluted air, the freshwater, the smell of soil will be replaced by the advancement of technologies, factories and a lot more.

The journey was alright and before I know it we have already reached our destination. It was a mall, Cason Mall. It was one of the biggest building here on Country T. The security here cannot be questioned since a lot of rich families came here.

So we went inside and started my shopping spree. One store to another. What I find pleasing to my eyes I would just point it out and Head Maid Maria will purchased it.

Its really convenient to have someone follow you so that you cannot carry those shopping bags. Those task fell on the hands of Sir Jerome, carrying all the things I just bought. What can Keziah possibly carry with those tiny and lousy hands of hers.

Im sorry not that sorry Sir Jerome.

"Does this look cute Head Maid Maria?" I said while presenting myself wearing a black lolita dress.

"Anything you wear young miss is beautiful. " uh just as expected she would always said that. I want to have a specific and honest review so I turn my head to Sir Jerome.

"How about you Sir Jerome. What do you think?. " I asked while doing some poses.

"I have no opinion. " he said it flatly with no expression.

Really are they kidding me. What's the purpose of coming here with me if they are being like this.

Fine, fine whatever.

"Miss I will take it. " gesturing to the sales lady who was looking at me since the beginning. Well you cant blame her. Being cute sometimes is really troublesome.

Then we all decided to call it a day. Sir Jerome first retreated to ready the car while me and head maid Maria was taking the time to stroll. In the midst of walking, I suddenly craved for ice cream. I told Head Maid Maria to buy me some while she warned me to not wander around and went to the ice cream parlor.

I was just casually strolling from the store when I someone bumped into someone. It caught me off guard and out balance me. I was then preparing myself for the fall but it did not happen. The person was holding me from my waist so I got up and fixed my disorganized clothes. I saw a pair of a man's shoes probably a kid around my age and shifted my gaze upwards.

My green orb eyes met his blue ones.

I found myself mesmerized. It was the most beautiful shade of blue. Who was this gentlemen? I asked myself, someone with this kind of eyes will I never forget.

"Kid are you okay? " He asked.

He must be a few years older than me with blue eyes and light blonde to the point it appeared silver hair.

"Yes, thank you and Im sorry. " It brought me back to reality.

"No problem, so then excused me. " he must be in a hurry so I sidestep giving him a way. He bowed and continued walking.

But then I could still hear him from afar. Muttering "Damn that Flynn, leaving me behind and fending off with those fools. Fucking shit. "

He was still young but possessed a foul mouth. I shook my head and waited for Head Maid Maria to return.

Keziah Estella never knew that the beautiful blue-eyed boy will leave a long lasting deep impression into her heart.

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