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Solitude is the soul's holiday, an opportunity to surprise and delight ourselves!
Don't confuse loneliness and solitude, one empties and other fills you...

"I don't understand why do people need company to come here!", she had a self-talk while enjoying the cool breeze the place had to offer.

Marine drive was known to be a place exclusively for couples but this fact didn't settle well for her. She really enjoyed her own company in the surrounding silence, cool breeze and the escatic view of serene water.
Actually, this was the only thing she needed to calm down her senses after a long and tiring work schedule.

Well, but today she had just returned from Leh and her trips are always incomplete without a special visit to Marines. She had instantly fallen in love with this place because of the peace it had to offer.

She finally headed back home and was shocked looking at the scene in front of her eyes : her parents were fighting.

"What the hell is going on?", she sounded pissed off.

"Your Dad wants me to bake a choclate cake for you but I wanted to surprise you by my chocolate fudge", her mother replied pouting.

"Grow up guys", she just moved her head sideways and then, bursted into fits of laughter.

"It's so good to be back, I missed you!", she engulfed them into a hug.

"So, how was the trip?", her dad enquired.

"Oh, it was great. The place is really beautiful. The natural beauty is just jaw dropping. I visited mountains, lakes and villages. I even enjoyed trekking and so much more. People there are really nice and the traditional food is yummm. I met an aunty at the cafe and I must say I respect the strength the lady possess. She is a single mother, her husband died in a car crash few years back and she is working so hard to provide her children a better future. People like her really inspire me to reach the top and even stop complaining about what life throws at me"

"So, this was the 9th solo trip is it?", her mom came from the kitchen with some fudge.

"Yess", she beamed with excitement.

She had visited Bangalore, Kerela, Hyderabad, Manali, Kashmir, Rajasthan, Kutch, Goa and finally Leh. She loved adventures. The best part about the trips was that nothing was planned and this was possible because she used to travel alone. No, she was not lonely or lacked friends but she enjoyed solitude. It brought a different level of freedom, independence and knowledge.

This was a gift given to her by her days of depression. Nobody knew behind a strong, successful and emerging business woman was a soul which was completely scattered. She had even thought of ending her life several times but each time she knew she was stronger than this. She never wanted to give her opponents the winning trophy by ending her life. She had spent hours and hours admiring the sea and wondered about her life. No sleep and food and excessive work or no work at all was her daily schedule. She didn't interact until it was very much necessary. Fighting this state of mind for years when she emerged victorious, she fell in love with the peace solitude had to offer.

Her tickets, her stay and visit to places was all planned the day she woke up, not even a day before. The best thing about these trips was interaction. She used to spend hours and hours between the local community and know them and their culture more. She was fascinated by every ounce of information she received. In spite of having different cultures, traditions and habits the way people of the entire nation stood as one always amazed her.

"Mom, I'm hungry", she growled.

"The dinner is ready. I knew the first thing you will ask after coming back home is food".

"Hahah, very funny", she replied making faces.

They adorned the dining table with their presence and were eating, chatting, filling the gaps, laughing and enjoying themselves when somebody rang the doorbell.

"Wait Mom, I'll see"

She got up from her seat and went to open the door and the face she saw shocked her to the core.

It was her.......

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