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"Mr.Sharma, it's so nice to see you", Ahana spoke in a professional yet calm tone.

" Same here Miss. Ahana", he greeted back.

"Well, I invested in this company for great returns which I think I am not receiving. You were quite promising during the time of merger, what's wrong now?
I think I need to cancel the deal"

"We are trying our level best. Give me some time"

"Oh common, what are you gonna do in a few months?
And if you can, why didn't you do it earlier? "

"We will look into this matter. Would you like to have something, coffee? "

"Thanks for the formality but I'm speaking serious business here"

"I was just.. "

"Cut it short Mr. Sharma. You know what Mr. Malhotra would have been a worthy partner. He had made so much money"

"Well, it was my hardwork. He hardly even visited the office. We were friends from such a long time and the merger business was my idea. Because he was well qualified with a job too, he invested in the business. I had high hopes and dreams about this entire thing. So, I used to visit the quarters daily and learn something new every passing second. He hardly came to the office saying he trusts me too much and his other business also requires attention. But after all this, he used to boss around a lot. The entire stock market deals were decided by him. He never ever listened to what I had to say. Money had made him egoistic. I agree he had great business sense but then, even I was not a pioneer. After investing my time and life into this, I got a 40 percent share while he did nothing and received a major 60 percent. Yes,I was angry at this entire set up and without knowing the actual thing,don't praise him. It was ME who deserves every damn thing"

"Stop being so jealous. How I wish he was alive but that accident took away his life, may his soul rest in peace"

"I think you should focus on who is alive, Miss. Ahana. I have heard that you're very much professional so, what happened to that professionalism now?"

"I am being professional Mr. Sharma and I need profits, either by hook or by crook"

"Well, if you want it the crook way probably I can help"

"A business woman wants profit, I thought you know this"

"In that case, there is this tiny little secret I'd want to share"

"Before that, because the company had accusations of fake meds, I have received an offer worth million dollars but because it was Mr. Malhotra and not you, I think I need to refuse them"


"What's wrong?"

"Why did they place an order in front of you? "

"Because I have invested in this company and they thought probably I can convince you for profits. They couldn't contact you directly thinking you might end them up in jail"

"I must say they are so wrong"

"What do you mean? "

"Now that the situation demands, I'll tell you something"

"Go ahead"

"I was the one who was behind the fake meds fiasco. Malhotra's didn't die, I killed them. I wanted power, fame and money. I finally got it and I am so happy now"

"Gosh, you could've told me. I was so tensed that I will not be able to convince you for this deal"

"Even I am a business man wanting profits and millions"

"Great then, I have the deal papers they've sent. I have already signed them and I need you to do the same"

Before he could read the papers, she indulged him in a conversation and he signed those without reading and the final step was accomplished.

The next day:-

"Mr.Sharma was behind the fake medicine transport. The Malhotra's were murdered. It was a business scam. The court has issued an arrest warrant. The proceedings will be held on the next Tuesday", the news headlines read.
Every news channel was flashing the confession tape and the videos. It was a huge scam and the TRP of the channel reached great heights.

The trio watched the news in the hospital room with Neil's parents. It was then when they were told the entire truth of what happened when they were in a comatose condition.

His dad was shocked and had a break down listening the betrayal of his friend cum brother. He was proud of his son but his mom slapped him hard when he heard of the suicide. She hugged Ahana and thanked her a thousand times.

Things were back on track and finally everything settled. They decided to celebrate this grand victory and had lunch in one of the finest restaurant. The trio and their parents gelled up really well. In fact, they were having more fun than their kids. They were happy to have it that way, though. They were enjoying themselves when Ahana decided to make an announcement,

"Neil, I have something to say"

"Please mahotarma"

She handed him the keys of Malhotra mansion. He was happy, shocked, surprised, emotional and so much, a mixed bag of emotions you can say.

"When did... "

"What do you think, who took the house during the auction"

"It was you? "

"Yes Mr. Malhotra"

"Gosh, why didn't you tell me earlier"

"Because I wanted to tell you now"

"Such a bad joke"

"Not more than your face"



"Shut up guys", Aditi shouted.

They burst into laughter. The company was finally in the name of original owner. The papers signed by Mr. Sharma without reading stated that the company belongs to the Malhotras, he was the one responsible for every illegal activities happening in the company, he attempted to murder Mr. Malhotra and the property owned by him now entirely belongs to Mr. Neil Malhotra as a compensation for his bad deeds.

On knowing the contents, Aditi had laughed real hard knowing how strong revenge game was played. Ahana not only snatched what belonged to the Malhotra' but even what was Sharma's property. When the news of Malhotra' being alive was flashed, Sharma was shocked as hell. He realised he was played all along and it was all hidden due to security reasons. He promised to take back revenge but who was ever letting him enter in a position to take revenge. Ahana had used her sources to make sure he was punished very hard. Things were finally the way they wanted.

All's well that ends well!

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