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"If you guys are done with your rant, I am eager to know the further details"

"Shut up for once and Ahana, you had told me that this phase of life is closed and nobody has the right to know it then, why him? ", Aditi asked in a teasing manner.

" Common Adi, he is a great friend."

"Oh so now you trust him with your deepest secrets which were only supposed to be ours"

"Are you by any chance jealous Miss. Aditi Dixit? "

"No, no how can I be jealous,it's just that it feels good to know you got somebody after me"

"You will always be the first"

"I know that"

"Self obsessed"

"Girls, can you cut it short, please and Aditi, by any chance are you trying to hook us up? ", Neil asked astonished.

"Well, maybe yess", Aditi cooly replied.

" In your dreams baby", this time Ahana spoke.

"What but I mean why? ", Aditi sounded annoyed.

" Because we are just friends",  Neil and Ahana spoke together.

"Ohhoo, I can see that", Aditi gave them a teasing smile.

" Before you continue, Ahana I want to tell you something ", Neil said and got up.

" Yes, this is the best time to propose, go ahead ", Aditi squealed all excited.

" Shut up Adi"

"Ahana", Neil continued fixing his eyes on her beautiful brown orbits, "I know our first meet was terrible but I thank my stars for the same. I knew the decision I made that day was the stupidest of all but I think it resulted into a beautiful gift. I don't know what past you had faced to emerge into such a strong and compassionate woman but I know that the future is yours. You held my hand when I was thrown away by my own friends, relatives and girlfriend. I had lost hope and the belief that the world is a beautiful place but you restored both. After meeting you I realised that life is indeed pretty, it just needs the correct pair of eyes to see. Just like your name, you were the first ray of sun in my life, my SUNSHINE. Calm down your nerves, I am not proposing you and I never will not because you are not worthy of being loved but because I know we were meant to be BEST FRIENDS. You have been doing that for me lately but now, once things are on the track of going back to normal, I wanna give you something and that's my perspective. You are nothing less than a wonder and I think you don't see it. You are the most deserving leader, the best friend anyone could get, the most lovable daughter, would be the unbeatable partner and the most caring person. We all have imperfections, just like you do but you know what makes you different, it is the fact that while we sulk over it, you find ways to overcome them. No words can describe how you changed me into the best version available. I know that Aditi comes first and she always will, I don't wanna snatch her place but can you, please make a small one for me too, in your heart, as your BEST FRIEND so that I can proudly say I have the best best friend available on this planet"

"Seriously, I thought you would propose her, Neil"

"Yessssss", Ahana finally replied with tears in her eyes.

For a split second, even she felt that he was proposing to her and she was scared that she would lose the bond they shared as she could never say a yes to him but his words, touched her heart. He was not there to be a boyfriend but a best friend. She had already considered him one but the way he asked flattered her heart. Somebody except Aditi understanding her so much was new to her but she loved this feeling. Yes, he was right they were meant to be besties and not lovers. The word relationship complicates a lot of things between two absolutely amazing people. She felt home when he called her sunshine, just the way she feels when she is with her Aditi. That girl was concerned for her and she knew it but she couldn't be in a relationship not with him and neither someone else. He showed her how simple it is to love oneself and everything sets in place. She sent a silent prayer to God for blessing her with the best set of friends.

"Oh, so now I have to share that tag, huh", Aditi mocked.

" Aditi is always first", they said, together again.

The trio burst laughing and had a group hug.

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