Mission starts

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She woke up early, finished her morning routine and went down for the breakfast.

"Mom, Dad it's just one month. I hope you'll can manage the business and trust me that I won't do anything you people don't like. I wanna give it a try and thanks for confiding in me. Byeee"

"This girl is always in a hurry"

"Chill Mother India"

"Stop pulling my leg"

"I think she will do it and m proud of her"

"Hope so"

The sound of the engine and there she goes. She took her car and headed to Neil's house.

"Good morning", she chirped

"A very bad morning"

"Stop sulking early morning"

"What's in this bag you're carrying?"

"Ohh, these are my clothes which I'll be needing for a month"

"Seriously you're gonna spend the entire month with me. Are you nuts?
You know that I can't bear you for a minute"

"Wow, nice place. I didn't have a nice look yesterday", she said strolling around.

"Madam, I am telling you something"

"I am not interested in hearing that, simple"

"Your parents didn't stop you?
Like you're gonna spend an entire month with a stranger and that too a guy"

"Well, no!
They trust me and even my martial arts skills"

"You know martial arts", he gulped down in fear.

"Don't worry I am not gonna use it on you, UNNECESSARILY"

"You are one mad woman"

"Thanks for the compliment"


"Stop with that, not gonna help"

"Exactly what are you gonna do for one whole month Miss.?"

"Good question"

"I know that so care to answer"

"First go and bring pen and paper"

"Kinda crazy??"

"Shut up and do as told"

"Why the hell am I even listening to you!!"

"Good boy"

"Here take it"

"You have it"

"And do what, tear it into pieces or scribble and remove my frustration"

"Nice idea but for now do as I say"


"Write down the reasons why you wanna give up"

"What, why???"

"Gosh, you ask so much"

"And you give answers to none"


"Okay done"

"Let me see

1. Mom and dad left me.
2. Company is being sealed and we are in the headlines termed as cheaters.
3. I am getting no job to support my family and pay hospital bills.
4. My girlfriend betrayed me for money.
5. My friends left me all alone.
6. Relatives have stopped to acknowledge us.
7. The moment I step out I'm being surrounded by abuses and reporters.
8. Bullshit is being spread about my family.
9. Almost all our property is auctioned.
10. I have lost hope and courage.

A good 10 reasons you have"

"Yes, so give me the knife I'll just cut my wrist and finish it off"

"Wohoo wait dude"

"You said I've good 10 reasons"

"But they aren't good enough for you to die"


"I am canceling the 4th, 5th and 6th one"


"For somebody who never cared about you, it's not a good option to give away your most precious thing. And yeah, even the first one"

"May I know why?, he asked with clenched fists.

"Beacuse you're parents aren't gone. They are fighters and are fighting to live"

"There is nothing to live but..."

"Great, then call the doctor and tell them to switch off the ventilator and use the bed for another patient as it is they are just a waste of time"

Thudddd - a tight slap landed on her cheek.


"It hurt right?"

"Yes it did dumb woman"

"When you can't even listen to what I am saying how can say that there is no reason to live and that they are gone. They are breathing and you know that"

"I..I am sorry.......I shouldn't have slapped you so hard, your cheeks are red..."

"Come with me"


"Wherever I take you"

He knew it was pointless arguing with her so, he just obliged. Both of them settled themselves into the car and drove off to the.....

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