Patience 💦

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Abul called me and asked me to meet him in his house with my wife I wonder what for? I sighed and took a cold bath and wore a white shirt with a black bomber jacket paired with a black jean.
I left the house then sent her a message and called mallam idi to pick her up.
I felt restless , like something was going to happen, or was it because there's a hope that I might see who my wife is.
Trying to shove those feelings aside I remembered my conversation with aneesa and smiled.
I arrived at the gate and met zuhra and Amnah , they greeted me and as usual they both had something to say about my wife.
"Uncle n iyehh" Amnah uttered , wriggling her brows.

"You really know how to choose a wife , your wife is so pretty masha allah, natural beauty , melanin goddess"
I smiled and pulled her cheek "I know , but I do know that she's not as pretty as my Amnah" I released her cheeks and walked away quickly to avoid their taunts and questions.

I walked to my old room and sat on the bed , so today is the day I finally get to see her?? Is it? How will she react? Is she really as pretty as they think she is.
Well go find out.

I got up and walked to the parlor  ,  I tried to see her face but all I could see was black lace and her skin color was superb.

"Assalamu alaikum"I announced my presence.

they answered.

"Ammi good after noon , Abul good afternoon"

"Afternoon son , we've been waiting for you to come so that we can have lunch, Khadija came in before you" well here goes nothing
I sighed and turned to their direction.

"YOU!" I shouted. I really didn't mean to

She opened her eyes and stared at me for god knows how long , there she was Khadija afrah  , she looked breathtaking in her simple lace abaya , her eyes were lined beautifully and she wore a red lipstick

"Ya afaan"she called with her quivering voice.

AFRAHS p.o.v
All the family members were up after he shouted.
I looked at Zara and she shook her head meaning she didn't know anything about it
I smiled and ignored his surprised face
"Yes me" I eyed him.

"What's going on Naseer ? , qanuni are you ok?" Ammi asked looking concerned.

She grabbed my hands and pulled me towards her.

"Naseeru what's the meaning of this ? Don't tell me that since you got married you've never seen her? What is wrong with you why do you have so much pride and ego  ? Eh ?" Abul started after we all got composed.

"Qanuni look at me , is this how you've been living with Naseer eh ? Is this how he has been treating you , how do you even eat ? How do you survive without company oh ya allah I always knew he was stubborn but I didn't know he was this stubborn now look at me , do you still want to be in this marriage or you want to go ? I can make him divorce you right n.."

"Ummi" I cut her off , you might think I'm crazy standing up for ya afaan but in as much as I despised him , ummi is a nice woman so is zara, Abul and the whole family, I didn't want to disappoint them and disregard him.

"Ummi , how can we be married for up to 2 months and not meet we are always together he's just surprised seeing me here cause he left me home with abdominal pain I couldn't even walk, and I told him to make an excuse for me after he left I felt better and kept trying his number but i couldn't reach him so I just came over" I lied.

"Qanuni, look at me" Ammi pulled my chin up.
"Don't lie to me ok ? I know how stubborn this boy here can be" she pointed at a perplexed afaan.

I smiled and nodded.

" fine if you say so but don't ever hesitate to come to us"

"I promise Ummi". I replied more like a whisper.

I glanced at him and he looked lost.

"Adda Khadija lets go to my room, it's time to pray"zara broke the silence with a mischievous smirk.

We walked to her room and soon as she closed the door, she jumped on the bed shouting.

"Khadijatuuu afrah I cant believe you're married to my brother yay"

I stared at her with a straight face.

"Seriously zara ? You know ya afaan doesn't like me one bit and he will never 🙄"

"Kai afrah ya afaan will learn to love you , but wait I know you lied to Ummi , you didn't know ya afaan is your husband ko?"

"Yes I didn't know , we've never met".

"How did you survive afrah ? Alone? I'm so sorry about ya afaans behav...."

"Shut up zara i missed you so much" I cut her off and hugged her.

I'll learn to live with ya afaan.

Self confidence is a super power once you start to believe in yourself , magic starts happening.

So this is the first chapter that doesn't end with commotion 😂😂

Hope you enjoy ?!!!! 

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