Chapter 5

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  When Harry found Draco, the boy was a mess. He'd searched all over Hogwarts, except for the many places he couldn't go into- such as the common rooms- before finally going off to where he hadn't even thought of.
   He found Draco in the exact spot he'd told Harry to meet him at a few weeks prior. Draco's hair had gone from its typical neat manor to a mess of blonde locks. And Draco himself looked about just as messy.
When Draco caught Harry looking at him, he glared. "What the bloody hell do you want?"
Harry sighed. He.. definitely deserved that. "Draco, I'm sorry, for being a prat at the library. If you really want to know what-"
"Harry, Why're you so selfish?!," Draco snapped. "Not Everything is about you! What, you just assumed I was upset because of some bullshit you said to me? Do you really think I'm that soft?"
To be honest, Harry did. And now that Draco was saying that wasn't the case, he was surprised. But now he had to know who hurt Draco.
    "No. You don't get to say my name like that!," he hissed. "I figured it out. I know why you've been acting all weird today and I get it. I really do get it." Draco said.
That made Harry's eyes widen. How the hell did Draco figure that out? Harry hadn't told anyone. So could Draco read minds or something?!
"Draco, how the hell did you-"
"It's obvious! The minute someone finds out, they're going to just fucking leave!" He shouted. "God, how could anyone want to hang out with the gay kid. How could anyone be friends? They might catch the gay!"
   Harry flinched back. How could Draco say that about him? That really wasn't fair. He thought Draco had changed.
   "Draco, what the bloody hell?," he said, raising his voice. "I don't even know how the hell you found out about me but no one knows! And I don't know what's so wrong about having one bloody dream about kissing a boy?!"
   Oh. He definitely shouldn't have said that. He could tell by the way Draco reacted. He straightened up, going stiff. Then he looked at Harry, who now looked ready to shit his pants.
   "You're... gay?" He said, as though in disbelief.
   That confused Harry. It confused both of them clearly. Harry had to take a second. He had to get his brain to work again.
  "I.. don't know.," Harry admitted. "I think I'm something."
Draco was dumbfounded. That had to mean... Draco wasn't talking about Harry when he spoke. Fuck, that just made things more complicated. Who did he mean?
   "Who did you dream about?" Draco asked.
   Harry immediately glared. Draco was going to make fun of him. "Why the bloody hell does it matter?" He was going to take that secret to his grave.
"Harry, I've just basically told you the biggest secret of my life. The least you could do is tell me who the hell you dreamed about kissing.," That only confused Harry more. But Draco just continued. "Who was it? Was it Weasley?"
"What-? No! No, I don't want to kiss Ron!" He exclaimed.
Draco grinned. "So you want to kiss this guy?"
"I didn't say that-"
"Oh, But you did." He told Harry and Harry was stumped.
Draco made his way closer to Harry, standing only inches away. "You have to tell me. I need to know."
"I don't have to tell you anything." He said in response, though he was unbelievably aware of how close they were.
"Harry... was it Cedric?" He whispered.
That.. wasn't something he needed brought up now. Not at all. He pulled away and turned his back to the blonde, who had now definitely crossed the line.
"Draco, I need to go." He said before walking away. But Harry soon felt a grip on his arm, stopping him.
"Harry. I'm gay.," he said. "And you know that. And now I know that you're gay. Which means we have secrets... no one knows. Please. Don't tell anyone."
Harry yanked his arm away. "I won't." He muttered before leaving. He couldn't deal with that anymore. With Draco.

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