Goodnight Saigon - Billy Joel

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Charlotte must have repeated her life story five times at this point and each time the pair had more questions. Although for the most part the questions remained the same, just clarifying the exact same details. 

"So what you're saying is that you are one of the kids who was born on October 1st along with the rest of us?" Allison asked staring in awe at the woman in front of her.

"Yes, I have a twin brother who was also born that day, the doctors said my birth was a freak occurrence that they didn't know there was a second child," Charlotte explained for the second time.

"And your gift is that you can shift into any living thing." Diego now said with a questioning tone.

"Exactly," Charlotte said nodding, the two siblings sat back deeper into the couch and nodded.

"Well okay then," Diego said getting up. "Welcome to our shit show of a family." Sarcasm dripping off of every word he said as he walked out of the room. Charlotte held back the small smile that played on her lips. "Oh," He said stopping in the door frame " thanks for your help." he added before finally leaving. Charlotte looked towards Allison as she stood from the couch.

"Thank you for your help." She said with a sweet closed mouth smile, Charlotte nodded and returned the smile also standing from the couch. While the two before appeared outwardly kind Charlotte could tell the Allison still was skeptical of her. 

"I think I should head home now." She said as the two walked out of the living room. Allison nodded and waved goodbye, she walked towards the stairs while Charlotte walked towards the door. She stepped out onto the street and called a cab.

When she finally arrived home she pulled out a medical kit properly treating her leg and also checking on her shoulder, lucky the bullet had only grazed her and has fading quickly. She Laid in bed feeling lighter, now people knew. They knew who she was and what she could do and although Vanya was pissed and Diego and Allison were probably building a case as to why the family could never trust Charlotte ever again but at the very least Charlotte's secret was no longer a secret. 

Another morning, another annoying ringing of an alarm clock. Charlotte reached out but rather than hitting the off button she hit snooze feeling as though she needed an extra ten minutes of silence. She rolled over wrapping herself in the warm grey blankets closing her eyes and letting sleep fall on her once again. Ten minutes had gone by and yet again her alarm went off this time though she did hit the off button. She sat up in bed and slowly made her way into the kitchen to put on a kettle before walking back into her room and getting ready for the day. She dressed in a pair of jeans along with an oversized t-shirt and an old sweatshirt. Putting on a pair of thick socks she walked back into her kitchen to get a cup of tea, she dragged herself to her front door to get the mail when she saw Allison across the hall.

"Allison?" Charlotte called out sleepily to the tall woman, she looked over at her with a smile.

"Charlotte! Good morning." She said happily. Clearly she wasn't completely annoyed with Charlotte.

"What are you doing here?" Charlotte asked opening the door wider to invite her inside, she came in and looked around the apartment.

"I was looking for Vanya. Do you know anything about the guy she's been seeing, Leonard?" She asked quickly, clearly with a lot on her mind.

"Um no not really. They met because he came to her to lessons, but that's about as much as I know." Charlotte said simply, "Why?"

"When I came here looking for Vanya he was in her bedroom, made up some story about needing to use the bathroom as he dropped off her keys." She said looking down at the keys in her hand. Charlotte nodded.

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