Humble. - Kendrick Lamar

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That night the two Hargreeves children nearly swallowed their food whole, eager to know the secret their adoptive father had teased them with, they knew his reason for doing it was to see if the two would keep the secret that there was a secret. They had although they certainly acting as if everything was normal. As the remaining six children ate their meals at a normal rate Charlotte and Five itched for the meal to end, Charlotte lightly tapped her foot on the floor while Five cracked his knuckles five times over. After what felt like hours of waiting the family was dismissed and Sir Hargreeves lead the two impatient supers to the roof of the home. The two looked at one another with confusion as the man in front of them looked up to the stars. There was a long pause of silence between the three as the brisk night air rushed passed them tugging at the loose fabric that hung on their thin frames.

"Millions of stars." Sir Hargreeves mumbled almost to himself. "Five." HIs voice returning to it's demanding sharp nature. "That star there, focus on it." He said as he pointed to one star that was dull but large, Five stepped forward and nodded looking up to the star.

"Now what Sir?" Five questioned not understanding how a star could be his secret.

"Take us there." Sir Hargreeves said a small smile forming at the corners of his lips. Five furrowed his brows.

"Sir, stars are giant balls of fire. If I take us there we die." Five said not wanting to go on the suicide mission.

"Well, it's a good thing that isn't a star. Now, do as I said." He said looking up towards the orb once again. Five sighed in defeat as he looked to Charlotte who shrugged unsure of what Sir Hargreeves was thinking.

Five grabbed a hold of his adoptive father and sister and blinked the three to the orb. As they landed Five and Charlotte starred at their surroundings in shock. The terrain around them was totally baren and everything was an awful shade of grey except for a tall building that stood a few yards ahead of them. It looked like a hotel that belonged in some fifties movie, it stood probably sixty stories tall and if the pair squinted they could see figures working on the building adding another floor. Five and Charlotte were paralyzed in shock as Sir Hargreeves chuckled lightly at the two's reaction.

"This is Hotel Oblivion." His voice echoed in their heads as they continued to try to understand what was happening.

"How is this possible?" Charlotte whispered out.

"I stumbled upon this tiny planet a few decades ago and kept it in mind if there was ever a need." He replied simply.

"How did you find it, I wasn't born you couldn't come here without me." Five spoke up turning to the man in front of him. Sir Hargreeves once again chuckled.

"Why don't I show you two around." He said as he walked towards the hotel, the two children behind him followed along now confused on many levels.

Current Day

Charlotte and Allison woke up only an hour after the sun had risen, their two siblings still fast asleep in their old bedrooms as the pair silently got dressed and snuck around the house. The avoided using doors that creaked and were careful not to step on the floor doors that squeaked. Once the two found themselves both ready and standing in the kitchen Charlotte nodded to Allison and her sister but a large black briefcase on the kitchen table, clicking the two claps off and opening the lid. A large blue light flooded the room and in a blink the kitchen was empty and the house remained silent.

Vanya and Ben woke up two hours after their sisters had left, finding a note on the fridge that they had to run out to do something and that they would be back soon. Vanya brushed off the two's sudden errand running and made a pot of coffee. Ben got ready and knocked on Klaus' door.

"Come on buddy you've got to get up." He called as he pushed the door open finding Klaus' bed untouched. Ben's eyebrows furrowed and he walked across the hall to find that Charlotte's bed was made and Klaus wasn't in it. He ran down the hall throwing open Luther's door and then Diego's. "Vanya!" He yelled out as he ran to the kitchen.

"What?" She yelled back. "Why are we yelling?" She asked as he raced into the kitchen handing him a cup of coffee.

"They aren't here." He said as his brain filled with panic.

"I know. They left a note saying they ran out to do some errands." Vanya explained holding out the note from the girls. Ben quickly read over it.

"Not the girls. The guys." Ben stressed and Vanya's eyes grew wide.

"Well, where the hell are they?" She asked an equal amount of worry filling her.


The three brothers sat on the cold basement floor of the Hotel Oblivion watching as countless criminals worked tirelessly on some machine. They were tied up to one of the hotel's support pillars, this left Luther unable to just break through the beam of wood and cement to stop the criminals without causing the building to collapse. The three watched helplessly as the criminals walked freely around them.

"What is that hunk of crap anyway?" Diego called out finally over of being ignored.

"Well," Dr. Terminal started with a sick grin knowing that the men, especially Luther, had felt as though they failed. "It's a televator. Your father invented it and now we're gonna use it to get off the horrid planet." The shrill voice explained causing Luther to fall further into his own self-loathing over not stopping this.

"Oh, so we have nothing to worry about then. You idiots can't get that thing to work." Diego called back with a laugh hoping they wouldn't see through his bluff. A roar of laughter came from the criminals around them.

"Oh, you wish." A layered voice called back. Although the man looked like an everyday robber he could turn into a shadow and slip away, it had taken the team almost a week to finally catch the Sticky-Fingered Shadow. Diego groaned and rolled his eyes leaning his head back on the pillar they were tied to.

"It's fine, the others will be here soon to get us," Klaus whispered to his brothers.

"Oh great," Diego said rolling his eyes again.

"We've gotta get out of here," Luther mumbled.

"Oh, great plan SpaceBoy." Diego hissed back, the old nickname dripping with sarcasm. Luther shifted slightly causing the ropes to tighten around both Diego and Klaus.

"Okay, enough of that!" Klaus coughed out as Diego fought against the ropes. "God I hope they get here soon." He mumbled to himself as he looked through a basement window seeing the earth rotate far away.


Charlotte gasped for air as the two landed both of them falling onto a large grass hill. Allison groaned holding her side rubbing it softly as she looked up to the bright blue sky. Charlotte sat up looking around at the seemingly peaceful area they were in. In the distance, kids ran around playing with one another and car drove slowly through the neighborhood with the windows down and music drifting softly out. Charlotte looked towards Allison who was now getting up to stand and Charlotte followed her action.

"Where are we?" Charlotte asked as she noticed the old cars and the clothes everyone but the pair seemed to be wearing. 

"I think it's more of a question of when are we," Allison said with a soft chuckle as she watched Charlotte scrunch her nose and roll her eyes.

"Okay then." Charlotte was as if she was exhausted. "When are we?" She asked hating how cliche it sounded.

"November 20th, 1963," Allison said slowly remembering what the man with the mustache had told her. Charlotte nodded and looked back at the neighborhood around her. 

"So how do we stop the apocalypse?" She asked as Allison picked up the briefcase.

"We have to kill John F. Kennedy," Allison said somberly as Charlotte's eyes grew wide.

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