Radioactive - Imagine Dragons

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Charlotte and Klaus left the Academy, Charlotte needed to check on the shop after running out and Klaus simply wanted to tag along. The pair walked down the street not feeling the need to rush and take a cab.

"So, you've barely scratched the surface?" Charlotte questioned bringing up the topic that Five ignored.

"That's what the big guys said." Klaus said thinking through the encounter in his head. Charlotte nodded.

"Do you feel like there's more you could do?" She asked trying to get him to get excited about his powers.

"I'm not sure. I've pushed this away for so long out of fear that I never really thought about using it." Klaus explained.

"I'm sure as a kid seeing ghost wasn't easy," Charlotte said with a slight chuckle as she watched Klaus' face.

"You don't know the half of it," He said with a laugh. "Dad would always push me more than any of the others. There were days on end when he would lock me in a crypt trying to get something to unlock." He said thinking back on the horrifying hours.

"I'm so sorry Klaus." Charlotte said sincerely as they came to the office. Charlotte opened the door and smiled at the two nurses who were working at the front desk, she walked through the lobby into her office as Klaus trailed behind her.

"What about you, you feel you've reached our full potential." Klaus said jokingly making funny movements with his arms as if he was a magician.

"I can't imagine what else I'd be able to do, so yes?" She said questioning her answer. "I suppose it won't matter much since the end of the world is quickly approaching." She said critically.

"Debbie downer aren't we." Klaus said his voice going up an octave with a smile.

"I just don't want to get my hopes up in there isn't anything to look forward to." She said simply as she sat at her desk. Klaus sat on the corner of her desk looking around at the different posters and pictures she had hanging around.

"Charlotte," A soft male voice rang through the office. "Your brother is here to see you." The nurse informed before backing up and allowing James to step into the office.

"Hey Charlie." He said with a beaming smile.

"Hello, James," Charlotte responded unamused by whatever game he was playing. "What are you doing here?" She asked still not taking her eyes away from the work she was doing.

"Can't a brother just visit his sister at work?" He asked innocently, she looked up at him for a moment and then back down to her paperwork.

"Not when those siblings are us." She said simply. "Now what's going on?" She asked leaning back in her chair looking at her brother crossing her arms.

"Iris and I are going to be in town for a concert tomorrow and I was hoping that you could give me some recommendations for dinner spots." He said matter-of-factly.

"James you have the internet for that now what's really going on?" Charlotte asked not having it with her brother's games. He paused for a long moment mumbling something about her begin no fun.

"I wanted to let you know that you're going to be an aunt." He said with a smile, there was a long pause as Charlotte eyed her brother waiting for him to tell her it was a prank. "Charlotte?" He asked when she hadn't responded.

"That's great," She said jumping up from her chair. "I'm so happy for you." She said giving him an awkward hug. As she pulled away James eye fell of the man sitting on her desk.

"Who's this?" He questioned eyeing the tattooed man.

"Klaus Hargreeves, congrats on making a baby mate." He said with a cheeky smile. Charlotte smirked looking up at him and he shook James' hand. "What theater are you going to?" He asked bringing up the conversation that he had sat through.

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