This is Home - Switchfoot

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September 1, 2001

A group of children stood outside all in a circle with tight grips on one another's hands, as they all slowly began to open their eyes that glanced around at the familiar surroundings. The stood in the backyard of The Umbrella Academy. While that in it of itself was shocking enough what blew the children away was that around them were the tall walls of the Umbrella Academy, its bricks still firmly together reaching high into the sky. Small chuckles and sighs of relief escaped the groups lips as large smiles spread across their faces. In Luther's arms the girl started to stir and fear washed through all of the children.

"What are you all doing out here?" A peaceful voice called out into the yard, the group turned seeing the blonde smile sweetly at them.

"Mom!" Diego cheered gleefully at the woman that not a few hours ago had died. He ran over to her and soon everyone followed.

"Lunch will be ready in just a moment." She said kindly before her eyes fell on the girl that wasn't in uniform. "And who is this?" She asked happily as the group looked at the girl, she hadn't thought of what she would do know that she was back.

"This is our friend Charlotte," Allison said, her voice ringing clearly causing the group to turn to her in shock, traveling back in time must have erased what Vanya had done to her.

"Well it's lovely to meet you Charlotte, I'm Grace." She said her maternal smile beaming at the girl.

"Miss Charlotte." A voice called from the doorway, the small Figure stood there with a nicely tailored suit and a cane. "I'm Pogo," He explained. "If I could speak to you for a moment." He said nodding towards the hall. Charlotte ducked her head down walking past Klaus to follow the chimpanzee into the hall.

"Am I in trouble?" She asked not knowing how Sir Hargreeves would take to a stranger being in his house.

"No, Sir Hargreeves would like to meet you though." He explained as he leading her through the large house.

"Pogo, what's the date?" She asked hoping he would just think she was a naive girl.

"September 1st of 2001." He said looking over his shoulder continuing their walk.

It was different than when she had been in it a day ago. With the whole team living there it seemed to be filled with life and light. Pogo lead her to the office knocking on the door and then pausing for a moment before opening the door. There he sat in his office chair, never seeing him in person before Charlotte felt blown away at this moment as he peered at her through his monocle.

"Miss Charlotte Knoles." His voice was sharp through the air.

"Sir Hargreeves." She said back nodding her head not quite sure how to act in front of the man. The man looked to Pogo and nodded to which Pogo turned and left the pair alone.

"Charlotte," His voice called again. "I can often see when people have gifts, what their past hold, and sometimes even their futures." He said as he got up from his chair and walked around his desk, standing in front of the short girl. "Do you know what I see when I look at you?" He asked towering over her.

"No, sir." She said softly.

"Great power." He said softly. "I once asked your parents if they would let me adopt you to bring you here and train you, they declined. Which leaves me questioning how you are here now." He said walking back around his desk.

"I'm friends with the others." She said softly under his gaze. He nodded after staring at her for a long moment.

"Do your parents know you are here Charlotte?" He asked putting his hands in his lap.

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