Sign of the Times - Harry Styles

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May 24, 2020

Crisp white walls echoed with the sounds of yelling, crying, and the constant beeping of machinery. Luther, Diego, Allison, Vanya, and Five laid asleep in the hall all propped up in hard wooden chairs as each of the five worked effortlessly to find a position that didn't make their bodies ache. They had been stuck there for nearly 24 hours now and all of them were drained. Klaus walked towards them, his eyes red and large bags made him appeared as if he was stoned much like the Klaus from a few lifetimes ago. When the group caught sight of the tired man they sat up.

"Well?" Diego asked his voice cracking slightly. Klaus looked to each one of his siblings before a smile grew on his lips.

"It's a boy." He said causing his smile to grow wider. An eruption of cheers now flooded the white hallways as each member of the family stood to embrace one another. "You guys can come to see them now." He said with a chuckle as Diego pat his back rather hard. The group walked down a past a few doors before arriving at Charlotte's room.

"Congrat-" Luther started loudly before catching sight of the sleeping baby. "Congratulations!" He whisper-yelled. Diego rolled his eyes at his brother's foolishness. Klaus walked over to stand next to his wife and the five Hargreeves stood around them all smiling down at the baby.

"What's his name?" Vanya asked looking towards the couple. Charlotte looked up towards Klaus who smiled down at her.

"Ben." She replied softly with a smile.

April 10, 2019

"So we have twenty days to figure out when and how Charlotte ultimately destroys the world." Five said tapping his foot against the floor. The group of Hargreeves and now Hansel and Anges sat in the living room all trying to decide how to stop the approaching apocalypse. Diego and Vanya had come over as quickly as they could and the pair now joined the group with questioning glances.

"I don't understand, what do I do morph into Godzilla? How do I create an apocalypse?" The woman said sarcastically crossing her arms.

"You can morph into Godzilla?" Diego asked equally shocked and intrigued. Charlotte ignored her comment letting out a sigh.

"I know one way we could prevent it," Allison offered shyly with a raised brow. A few moments later Charlotte was looked in a cell in the basement that Sir Hargreeves had built for criminals before he could take them to the Hotel.

"Well if this doesn't feel like deja vu I don't know what will," Vanya mumbled remembering the last apocalypse.

"Vanya's right we need to learn from old mistakes." Klaus huffed towards Allison.

"Or this is the best way to make sure I don't do anything stupid." Charlotte voiced from behind the bars. "We have 20 days to figure out what happens, if I'm here then you all can go out and find clues." She continues, reaching out touching Klaus' face.

"If we don't find anything by Friday we let her out." Five interjected.

"That gives us two days!" Luther argued.

"So then you better go and stop wasting time," Charlotte replied with a smirk. "Go." She said looking straight at Klaus, he and the group did as she said.

Five spent the majority of the two days jumping through time finding a few clues. Allison and Vanya would then investigate any clues Five brought back spending the majority of their time running around the city to the different locations. Klaus, Luther, and Diego interrogated people that the clues were connected to but without being able to ask if the person was planning to end the world they came up almost empty-handed. Friday night it was Vanya who came to unlock the cell and the two girls walked upstairs to find the group with newspapers, articles of clothing, a gun, and a wedding ring all laid out on the table.

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