Happy Together - Gerard Way

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August 7, 2002

As the Umbrella Academy ran around the house getting ready for their newest mission. One child was missing for the chaos. Five laid in his bed looking very pale, covered under layers of blankets. Grace sat with him putting a cool cloth on his forehead. He had started getting ready when he got very sick and then passed out. As the group left for Paris Grace told Five to get some rest and she would be back in a few hours with breakfast for the boy. He nodded closing his eyes as the woman left the room but once the door was closed her pushed all the covers off of him revealing he was in his academy uniform. Cracking his neck and knuckles he blinked to the Temps Aeternalis Headquarters, standing outside the building with a smirk he pulled the note that had arrived the night before.

Five: Report to Headquarters.

Five gripped the note putting it back in his pocket before walking through the front door of the building. Around seemed the same as always, the building was the same muted colors and people in a variety of colored suits walked around focusing on their tasks and not on the boy in front of them.

"Well, hello Five. Lovely to finally meet you." A young man said approaching the boy. His hair was gelled back and he had a handlebar mustache perfectly twisted under his nose. He held out his hand for the boy who took it warily and shook. "We were hoping you'd come." He continued before walking down the hall, Five followed behind him.

"Why was I called back?" Five asked looking around at the rebuilt briefcase room he had blown up.

"Well you're one of the best. The previous handler got a little out of hand and the board is grateful that you, took care of her." The man said pausing before finishing his train of thought. "They'd like to offer you a new assignment." He continued.

"I'm not in this line of business anymore." Five said as he stopped following the man. The man stopped as well turning around to look at the boy. It seemed as though he was sizing him up.

"Very well, we'll just find someone else to complete the task." He said simply before walking away leaving Five confused. "I just thought with your past in stopping the apocalypse would want to help." He added over his shoulder.

"Another apocalypse?" Five called to the man who stopped and turned, a clear smirk formed on his face out of triumph.

"Yes but you're not in this line of business anymore." The man called back before turning and walking away smugly. The boy rolled his eyes and blinked back to his room, laying back in bed just as Grace came into the room with soup.

"The nap helped thank you, Mom." He said sweetly as he sat up to eat, revealing he was now in his pajama shirt.

March 27, 2019

Allison laid on the cold cement floor of her tiny cell where Dr. Terminal had thrown her. She didn't know why he had taken her but she knew it wasn't good. She woke up and moved from laying on the floor to sitting up her back leaning against the cement wall, she rubbed her face waking herself up as she felt her stomach grumble, he hadn't given her anything to eat since he had taken her. As Allison blinked there was soon a man standing in her cell and the area seemed to fill with sunlight. He wore a navy blue suit that was tailored perfectly, his hair was gelled back and not a hair was out of place. He twirled in mustache as he smiled at the woman on the ground as he set down a briefcase.

"Ms. Allison?" He asked looking down at her. She stood up quickly nodding. "Perfect, I have a proposal for you." He said with a smile.

"Who are you?" She asked still on the defense not knowing if this was one of Dr. Terminal's sick tricks.

"That's not important." The man brushed off. "But what is important is how much you love your family. If you want to keep them and the rest of the world alive you're going to want to take my deal." He said leaning against the cell bars.

"Or you'll do what?" Allison snapped back not liking the stranger threaten her family.

"I won't do anything." He said simply. "The apocalypse will happen and everyone will die." He added on equally as simply.

"Another apocalypse?" She asked causing the man to chuckle.

"Unless you'd like to help stop it." He offered looking up at the woman with a knowing smirk.


Klaus woke up and threw his arm to the left of the bed but rather than finding cold sheets his arm wrapped around Charlotte's waist, a smile fell onto his lips as he pulled the woman close to him. She snuggled into his chest before reaching over him and turning of the alarm that was disturbing her peace. Rolling back to her side of the small bed she stretched her arms above her head before sitting up and getting out of bed. Klaus grabbed her wrist and pulled her down kissing her before letting her go so that she could throw on a shirt and go to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Klaus got up and got dressed for the day and then soon the two switched. The team agreed to wear all day so Charlotte threw on a pair of black jeans along with a black crew neck. She left the room telling Klaus that she'd meet him in the kitchen with the other. When she arrived Luther was already there drinking a cup of coffee.

"Good morning." She hummed as she walked into the room.

"Morning Charlotte." He said after finishing his sip. Charlotte filled a cup and then sat across from him.

"So, where did you run off to after, well you know." She said alluding to when the team disbanded.

"Japan. I was a sorta of vigilante there I guess you could say. That was until Diego found me to tell me Allison had gone missing looking for me." He said, his eyes swirled with guilt thinking that his running away is what got Allison into the mess she was in now.

"It's not your fault." She said reaching out to put her hand on the man's. Luther was able to avoid the mission that he had almost died from so he no longer was a mutant man but just the same old Luther she had grown up with. Although he would never be vain enough to admit it she knew that he was happy to keep his body.

"Sure feels like it." He mumbled as Five and Klaus walked in, both getting a morning cup of coffee. Charlotte drew her had back and gave a sad smile to her adopted brother. He nodded and then looked towards the two men who had just walked in. "Where Diego?" He asked finding it odd he was taking so long.

"I just had to let someone in." He said as he and Vanya walked in. Charlotte stood up and hugged the woman with a bright smile on her face.

"Let's go save Allison." She said looking towards the team. Five nodded and opened up a portal for the team to travel through, something he had learned to do only a year ago.  The team all looked around at one another nodding and then walked through the blue. 

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