i love you - Billie Eilish

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The sidewalks were sprinkled with water droplets from the cool night air as black boots walked firmly over the tan concrete. Charlotte found herself standing outside of her apartment that she hadn't been in for so long. As she walked up to the steps and through the door she found everything as she had left it. Cups of coffee next to the sink needing to be washed, papers and pictures laid out on her counter for the newest article, and a record sitting on her record player ready to sound. With a small breath, she closed the door behind her and turned on the lights. She made her way over to the record player and turned the knob on the machine slightly so soft music played as she walked over to the sink cleaning the multiple mugs. Drying her hands she turned to the papers and gathered them together, as she picked them up to carry them to the trash an envelope fell from the stack. Setting the papers down she bent down to the group and picked up the envelope she saw her name written on the front in Ben's handwriting bringing tears to her eyes. Opening the white carrier she pulled out a piece of paper covered in Ben's handwriting.

Dear Charlotte,

You have been my best friend for as long as I can remember and spending each day with you is one of the greatest gifts I've ever received. I can't imagine not having you in my life and I hope there never comes a day when we have to part. With that being said I have an important question to ask you...

Love Ben.

Charlotte furrowed her brows looking back to envelope seeing that there was still something hiding in it.

The Hargreeves House

"We have to find her," Luther said as he nearly pulled the hair from his head.

"No shit Sherlock." Five spat out rolling his eyes at the supposed leader of the group. Everyone stood their bodies showing the distress they were under. Dark circles clouded underneath all their eyes as the siblings glanced at one another.

"We break off in groups," Luther said before being cut off by his brother.

"Because that worked so well the last time," Diego said, referring to when Ben had disappeared, with a dark look in his eyes.

"Where would she go?" Allison asked turning to Klaus ignoring the boys.

"If he knew that we wouldn't be standing here." Diego cut in once again.

"There's a diner we went to once, she may have gone there," Klaus said softly, his body seemed to be a shell of the Klaus they once knew as his eyes no longer had its mischievous light in them. As the group left to search the diner Hansel and Anges left them wishing them the best of luck, the six made their way over the wet pavement to the bright light of the diner seeing that it's twenty-four hours light was glowing bright blue. They pushed into the small building ignoring Grace's questioning as the looked around in each booth only to find an elderly man at the counter and a young woman in a booth on her computer.

"She's not here," Klaus whispered to himself as the group left when they walked out into the parking lot they looked up to the sky as it began to turn grey.

"Great a storm is moving in," Vanya noted with a huff.

"Should we try her old apartment?" Allison asked looking to her siblings who simply nodded.

Hansel and Agnes

The couple watched as the six Hargreeves left the home both holding hands with soft smiles, they walked out of the house shortly after and into a back alley once out of sight their smiles dropped and Agnes was quick to withdraw her hand.

"Don't fucking touch me." The kind woman spat out.

"Oh would you shut up, we had to pull off the act." Hansel urged to woman. He rolled his eyes when he realized her face remain hard and cold, rolling his shoulders and neck his body started to transform. It wasn't like when Charlotte would transform, the transition seemed more robotic and choppy. Soon Hansel was nowhere to be found but the new Handler stood in his place with a small smirk.

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