(weird af) Daily Screech

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So this chapter is gonna be a bit different from my others.

As Reporter Johnson walks into the blue reporting room, the first thing he notices is Jay wearing a nice gray suit, (which is different from his usual black sweater and jeans.) But Jay was sitting in Reporter Johnson's spot. His spot.

"Hello everyone and welcome BACK to the Daily Screech. I'm Reporter Johnson and I'm in love with Samir. Our tech guy," Jay said jokingly at the camera. But little did he know, the camera is ALWAYS recording.

"Jay! Dude! What are you doing?!" Reporter Johnson stormed over to Jay and swiftly turned off the camera (which wasn't a good idea in the end.)

Jay grinned.
"Oh hey Bob! I was just doing a impersonation of you," Jay said and winked at Samir, who just walked into the studio.

Samir blushed and looked away from Jay, quickly looking over at his fancy tech stuff the author doesn't understand.

"Hey! Who turned off the camera?!" Samir yelled and glared over at Jay.

Jay immediately looked over at Reporter Johnson and grinned.
"Ooh looks like your in trouble with your boyfriend."

Reporter Johnson smacked the back of Jay's head and rolled his eyes.
"Sorry 'bout that Samir..... Jay was doing a terrible-"

"WONDERFUL!!!!" Jay yelled.

"Impression of me, so I turned it off."

Samir looked at him with wide eyes, like the building was on fire.
"Remember what happened last time we turned the camera off?! Milton came in and stole our stapler, then burned down the building!!!"

For those who don't know, Milton was working at the Daily Screech for years, until Samir showed up and took his place.

"Oh no.... SECURITY!! SEARCH THE BUILDING!!!!" Reporter Johnson yelled frantically and turned into a nervous wreck.

Samir noticed and pat his back.
"It'll be fine, Reporter Johnson, it really will."

"Please, call me Bob. Or Robert. One of the two."

Samir smiled for the first time in a while.
"Alright. It'll be fine Robert."

"Thanks Samir."

Just as the two started to chat, a play back of what Jay had said earlier on air had turned on.

"Hello everyone and welcome BACK to the Daily Screech. I'm Reporter Johnson and I'm in love with Samir. Our tech guy."

"Jay! Dude! What are you doing?!"

And then a black screen.

Samir coughed awkwardly and looked away from Reporter Johnson.

"Listen, uhh... About what Jay said, it isn't 100% false," Reporter Johnson mumbles and looks at Samir.

Samir couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Wait.... Really? Holy cake that's good."

Reporter Johnson cocked his head to the side like a confused (RINGO!!!!) puppy.

"Here, let me take you out to dinner, Robert."

Reporter Johnson held in a fangirl SCREECH and nodded.
"Sounds good, Samir."

"FIRE!!!! FIIIIRRRRREEEE!!!!!!" Jeffery ran into the room and screeched.

Reporter Johnson grabbed Samir's hand and dragged him out of the burning studio.

"Son of a bi-" Reporter Johnson was cut off by Milton running at them with a stapler.

"RUN ROBERT!!!!" Samir shouted and threw a toy car at Milton's head, causing the crazy man to fall to the ground.

What an eventful day.

I'm tired so this chapter doesn't make any sense :P

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