the (failed) guide to a Beatlemaniac's heart

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The (failed) guide to a Beatlemaniac's

1. Buy them a crap ton of Beatles stuff (shirts, posters, movies, etc.)

2. Listen to the Beatles religiously
(CD's, vinyls, etc)

3. Learn an instrument
(Guitar, bass, drums, piano, whatever you want to learn)

4.Watch every Beatles movie with them.
(And I mean EVERY)

5. Take them to concerts
(Paul, Ringo, tribute bands)

6. Talk about your favorite Beatle
(John, Paul, George, Ringo)

7. Buy them a record player
(to play Beatles on :3)

8. Sing them a Beatles song
(Something, I Wanna Hold Your Hand, etc.)

9. Friend zone :3
(Oof good luck next time buddy)


T h i s  w a s  m a d e  a s  a  j o k e

But imagine that. Someone did ALL that for you... I'd die lol. TAKE MY LOVE ALREADY YOU DAMN EARTHLING!!!! i'm ok 😂

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