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I gape at my mother, unable to fully understand what she just said to me. "What do you mean? I dont understand Mother" I wince when the word mother slips out. Very rarely do I say it, only when im growing impatient, angry and trying to get her to understand me.

My mom rolls her eyes at me. "Dont be so dense Jake, of course you understand. They have nowhere to go and we have the room for them to stay until their house is fixed back up" I open my mouth to argue but she holds her hand up at me, stopping me from talking. "I dont want to hear it Jake, Im not putting them out on the streets. I have to get to work but i want your room cleaned and one side cleared. Im not sure if they will be here before i get back from work or after but make sure it is done okay? Love you".

I close my eyes as she kisses my forehead before leaving the room, mumbling my response to her "You too". I wait until I hear the front door open and close and her car to drive off before getting up and gathering the supplies I would need to clean my bedroom.

I pull my phone and earphones out and get to work on my bedroom. The whole reason i am having to do this is because moms best friend Angela had paid someone to do her roof and they had gotten half way through before abandoning it. Something to do with being wanted by the police. When he skipped town he didnt cover the roof properly, meaning that half of the house was uncovered. What made it worse was the fact that we ended up having a storm pass through, meaning all of the top floor of Angelas house got drenched and now needs gutting and redoing. The reason i am having to clear half of my room out? Her son. Angela herself would be going into the basement in the guest room. My room just so happened to be the biggest in the house with an ensuit, my mother insisted i needed it with being a growing teenager and all. That ment that Dean would have to move his bed into my room and we would be sharing.

Its been that long since we have seen eachother i cant even remember what he looks like.... Okay so we go to the same school. He is popular and im, well not. Not that im bothered. I have a small group of friends and we all prefare not to be in the eyes of the other pupils. The problem? Well Dean is like a fucking supermodel. Im not even joking either. He stands over me by over a foot. I mean most people do. Im just under 5'7. So not small by any means but not tall like other teenage boys either. He has jet black hair and intense blue eyes. His jaw could cut diamonds. He has thick strong eyebrows, sitting above his gorgeous eyes. His lips are plump and sexy. His shoulders are broad, full of muscles. He walks with a slight swagger, his abs and pecs rippling. His arms are huge, easily twice the size of mine. I face palm myself when i realise ive been thinking about Dean, realising i have finished cleaning my bedroom. I take the bag of rubbish down into the trash and trapse back up to my room, throwing myself down onto my bed. Best enjoy the room to myself while i can. I feel myself drifting off and dont fight it, music blaring in my ears as i fall asleep.


I open the bedroom door and drag my mattress through, huffing. I turn around after dropping it on the floor and survey the room, spotting Jake asleep on his bed. I might be a year older than him but i know exactly who he is, and not because of our mothers either. I clear my throat and frown when he deosnt respond. Walking closer i look down at him and notice he has his earphones in, music blaring. I smile and look down at his face, taking in how relaxed in sleep he is. I pull my phone out and snap a picture of him, his mouth parted slightly and his chocolate locks falling over his forehead. I stand their longer than I would like to admit, admiring the smaller boy. Everytime I look his way in school he averts his eyes and wont look at me. Its actually fucking adorable how attracted to me he is and tries to hide it. And that attraction is not unwanted. I pocket my phone after taking an few more pics. I know he is gay, and that couldnt make me any happier. I am gay also, although only my mother knows. Not that it is a secret, it's just not something i throw around. Jake doesnt either, but somehow it got spread around the school last year. I had to punch more than one face to stop the homophobic remarks from coming out of disgusting mouths. I look down at him and vow to myself, I will make him mine.

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