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Going back to school was strange. We never kept our relationship a secret and nearly everyone accepted it. Apart from an odd few bigots, unable to accept us as we were, in a loving gay relationship. But in general every one wernt bothered. We even had  a few people coming up to us telling us how cute we ewere together and that we suit eachother.

I jump when a hand lands on my arse, a mouth coming down onto my neck. I glance in the mirror in my open locker door, seeing Dean behind me. He sucks my skin into his mouth, when he sees me staring at him in the mirror he winks at me, sucking harder. I close my eyes and lean back into him, letting him put his 'mark' on me as he likes to call it. Since were still to young to even think about getting married, therfore to young to wear rings showing the world we beling to each other. Dean came up with the idea of wearing something else of eachothers everyday. Our coming together and love wasnt conventional, not even in the slightest, but I wouldnt change one bit of it. I turn my head and whisper in his ear. "Your arse is mine tonight remember? I might have to break the gag out, I feel like making you scream and beg tonight". His cock pulses against my arse and he groans into my neck.

"You are one evil boyfriend, but I love it. Just remember, I will make you scream louder than you ever make me. So be warned, I will have you begging and crying the next time I have you tied to our bed". I grin, remembering the last time he done that. And he definitely had me begging and crying. He sucked me off and stopped everytime I was about to some, laying back and watching my cock weep precome every time he stopped. My cock was a red angry colour and extremely sensitive by the time he took pity on me and sucked me off till I came, my cock buried deep down his throat. I shudder when I remember the time he tied me to a chair and made me beg to come after teasing me for an hour, only to carry on sucking and wanking me off long after I had come in his mouth. He truly had me weeping that time, my cock so sensitive after coming. He didnt stop either till I came again, sobbing, into his mouth.

I grab his hand, shuttig my locker and walking with him to the canteen, sitting next to him with his arm over my shoulder. I smile up at him, grinning when he stops mid sentence with his freind to peck me on the lips and sitting back up and continuing talking like nothing happened. My life got better the day he decided he was tired of watching me from afar. I snuggle into him, breathing his scent in from his neck. I whisper into his neck, my lips not coming off of his skin. "I love you Dean". He looks down at me, kissing my head and whispering back to me. "I love you too Jake".

             The End .


I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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