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Im inbetween asleep and awake. What woke me up? A hot wet tongue and lips making their way down my back. I groan into my pillow, the feeling making shaivers race across my body. I grind my hips into the bed, gettin some much needed friction on my cock. DEan chuckles into my spine. He rolls me over completely till in laying on my stomache. He pulls the blankets off of us and straddles my thighs. He lifts my hips slightly, grabbng hold of my cock and balls and laying them along the bed between my thighs instead of being trapped under me on the matteress. He massages my back, making me groan into my pillow. Dean leans forwards ans grabs holr of my hair at the back with his fist. He gently pulls my head back and to the side. He slowly kisses me, driving me mad. Parting my lips I guve him entry, moaning like a whore into his mouth.

Dean kisses along my cheek and neck, letting go of my hair and laying my head back down on my pillow gently. He makes his way down my spine, kissing along my arse crack. He sinks his teeth into my arse cheek, leaving perfect teeth marks in his wake. Dean gets off my thighs and spreads them, sitting back dwon between my spread legs. He reaches over and pulls the lube out the draw. My breathing stops completely. I want to do that with him, but im not sure if I want to nesseserally do it with him today. He glances up and smiles at me, noticing my worried look as I look back at him over my shoulder. "I know your not ready for that yet Jake. I would never do it without your complete verbal consent. Hell, when we eventaully do it I migh have you beg me to. Beg me to fuck your little arsehole". My cock jerks at his words, leaking all over the bed. He laughs whne he sees that. "No. Im going to massage your dick till you can take it no longer and come". I press my head back into the pillow, leaving just enough room to breathe. I hear him open the bottle, and the sound of lube being squeezed out.

I gasp when he grabs hold of my cock. He has rubbed the lube all over his fingers and palms, making them slick. Instead of just jacking me off like im silently begging him to he keeps hold of my cock in one hand and uses the other to rub up and down. He circles the head and rubs around, all five of his fingers rubbing at me. When i leak more pre come he rubs that into the head, making me moan. He cups my balls in on hand, rolling them around and tugging gently. The other hand works its way up and down my shaft, so fucking slowly. I feel him lean down, expecting his lips or teeth on my cheek again I gasp. He licks a broad stripe acros my puckered arsehole. My cock jerks painfully in his hand. He stiffins his tounge and probes at me, gently pushing his tounge against me. He sucks at my arsehole, lapping at it. I can feel his saliva driping down to my balls. He has me humping into his hand, desperate to come. He pulls his face back and I feel one of him fingers gently prodding at my hole. I groan and lift my hips up slightly, giving him permission. He strokes his finger against my arsehole, putting pressure there but not enough to enter me. "I want verbal Jake".

I moan into the pillow and turn my head glancing back at him. "Please finger my arse Dean. Oh please". I blush furiously at my own words. Dean grins widley at me. He puts a bit more pressure on my arse and suddenly the tip of his finger enters me. I smash my face back into my pillow. He pulls his finger back out the pushes it back in, going deeper. He does this, all the way out then back in until his finger is in up to his finger. He pulls it back out and then drives it back in. He fucks my arse with his finger. He has put my cock back flat on the bad and is just lightly rubbing up and and down it. My hole body jerks suddenly and a high pitched whine is ripped from my throat. "Oh yeah. There it is". Im suddenlly aware of what he means when his finger in my arse centers in on one spot. My prostate. He lightly rubs it, running little circles over it. Im near the edge in seconds. He stops rubbing my cock and leans over me, one arm supproting his weight over my back by my face. His hand start rubbing harder at that spot now, determined to make me come. He leans down and outright bites my shoulder. The slight bit of pain send my mind reeling, flooding it with pleasure. I hump my hips into the bed as I come, crying with pleasure into my pillow. He pulls his finger out my arse when I go limp.


I smile in triumpth. Looking at Jake on the bed, his legs covered in his own come. I did that. I made him feel so much pleasure he cant move now. I kiss his cheek and climb off him, going to the bathroom and washing the lube off of my fingers. I grab a clean towel and a wash cloth, dampening it. Im pretty sure he has passed back out. I lean down and rub his legs clean, wiping across his cock gently. I jerks again, still softening from his orgasm. I chuckle when he whines about being sensitive right now. I clean as much as I can, wiping the sheet down for now. I throw the dirty towels into the wash basket and climb back in behind him. He rolls over and reaches for my cock. It takes everything in me to stop him, but I manage to. "No baby. Just sleep for now. I will still be here when you wake up". He mumbles under his breath and presses his head against my chest.

I could watch him sleep four hours, and infact I do. He face realxed with sleep. His hair messed up and sticking in every which way. He unconciusly snuggles deeper into me. He throws his leg over my hip and wraps his arm over my waist. I have to think about school and homework to stop myself from rubbing against him. The thought of his little arsehole being right their makes my cock weep. But I promised him not until he is ready. And I wnat him to beg me to fuck him. Suddenly the thought of Jake mounting me and fucking my arse pops into my head. I always thought I woudnt want to try it, but now I cant stop it from playing out in my minds eye. I grit my teeth and push the image from my head, begging my cock to go down.

I eventaully fall back asleep with him, both of us sleeping till the early afternoon when we get dressed and head out to go grab a few of my things that I need from my house.

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