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I stretch, coming awake slowly and naturally instead of being jerked awake by my alarm. I mentally calculate how many days there are left till school starts back up, smiling when i realise there is still two and a half weeks left. I burrow my face back into my pillow falling back asleep instantly. I wake up again to the feel of breathing on my neck. I frown when I realise there is someone alseep behind me. My whole body tenses when I remember its Dean, and how we basically cuddled last night. "You always so tense in the mornings baby?". Deans voice in the morning, thick with sleep should be illegal. I open my mouth to answer when something moves against my lower back and arse. I gasp, realising Dean has morning wood. Very fucking large moring wood. He chuckles at my response. I know its natural, hell I wake up most mornings the same way. My own cock twitches in my underwear, excited at feeling Deans rod touching me, albeit through fabric, but touching me none the less.

I hold my breath when Dean starts running his hand up and down my chest. He gently traces the lines of my abs, stroking over my nipples with a feather light touch. My whole body shudders when he rubs his finger back and forth over my nipple, gently taking it between his two fingers and tugging it. My cock jerks hard, precome leaking out and along my shaft. Deans hand abandones my nipple, trainling its way down past my navel. It stays there for a few seconds, tracing back and forth over the band of my breifs. My breath burts out when he pulls them down, letting my cock and balls spring free. Instead of making a grab for it like I want him to he cups my balls in his hand, rolling them and tugging gently. I thrust my hips, looking for some friction. Leaning down he whispers in my ear "patience baby, we'll get there". His finger dips down and tickles my perineum. Before I have the chance to jerk away his hand shoots up and grips the base of my cock, gently squeezing it. He wastes no time, stroking up and down maddeningly slowly. When his hand gets to the head he stops, his thumb coming up to swipe at the precome, rubbing it around the head.

Deans head leans down and his lips make contact with my neck. He fucks my cock with his fist and kisses my neck, nibbling and licking me. When he reaches my shoulder he bites down, sucking the skin in. The feel of his teeth against my skin sends me over the edge. I gasp and moan his name, my come spurting out against his hand. My whole body goes limp , my back resting against his chest. He gently strokes his hand up and down my slowly softening shaft, using my own come as lube. I whimper when he glides his palm around the head, rubbing my own liquids in. Im shocked when I find myself hardening again. Dean laughs on my shoulder, his teeth letting my skin go. "You are a dirty, dirty boy Jake. I love it". He starts pumping his fist up and down, faster than he was before and again I find myself coming for him. My come shoots out, dribbling over his fist. He mercifully lets my cock go. I close my eyes and breath through my nose, recovering from coming twice in a few minuets.

The blanket is ripped from my body. I roll over and make a grab for it with one hand, my other hand coming down to cover my junk. Dean laughs at me, gently pulling my hand away and cleaning me up with a hand towel. He suddenly stops and i open my eyes and look down to see him staring at my cock and balls. I gasp when he leans down his hands on either side of my hips. He opens his mouth and laps at some of my come on my stomache. I moan when he suddenly leans down and presses an open mouthed kiss on my cock head, flicking his tongue out and licking a line from the base up to the tip. He pulls back and nips at my hip with his teeth.

I grab hold of his hair and pull him up, his hips going between my spread thighs. He grins down at me at my bold move. We both meet in the middle, our lips molding to eachother. Our tounges battle for dominance, rubbing against eachother. I pull back and bite his bottom lip, sucking on it gently.


I lean up on my hands, looking down into Jakes flushed face. I can taste him on my tongue and its doing nothing to help my rock hard cock. I close my eyes and breathe through my nose, trying my best to make it die. My eyes snap open when I feel my breifs being pushed down. His mouth drops open when he sees my cock. "Oh my god. Dean, your fucking huge". I ignore his comment. My cock is an inch bigger than his and a lot more girthier. Although his cock is not something to laugh at either, its fucking beautiful. "You dont have to reciprocate Jake. I dont want to push y-". I choke on my word words when his hand comes down and grips my cock. He isnt shy when he starts pumping his hand up and down. I have to bite my lip and close my eyes, throwing my head back, to stop myself from coming straight away.

He suddenly lets go of my cock putting both his hands on my chest and pushes. I roll onto my back besides him, opening my mouth to apologize to him, worried I took it too far. My mouth snaps shut when he straddles my thighs, both his hands coming up and grabbing my cock again. He strokes up and down slowly, making sure to pay attention to the head. He makes eye contact with me and slowly leans down, licking the tip. His eyes snap shut and he hums while i tense my jaw and fist the bed sheets. He strokes up and down the shaft while his mouth opens, taking my head in and sucking gently. his tongue laps at my slit while his other hand comes up and cups my balls. He closes his eyes and bobs his head up and down, taking more of my cock in his mouth each time. I lift my hands up and thread them through his hair, gripping on tight as he fucks me with his mouth. Its not long before i feel my balls draw up and tingle race along my spine.

"Oh shit baby. Oh Jake im gonna cum". I tighten my fists in his hair and pull up, trying to get him to let go of my cock. I dont want him to think he has to suck me while I come in his mouth. He pushes his head down further, swollowing around my cock. His spead picks up, his head going up and down faster than before. I com in his mouth with a shout and groan, my cock pulsing. He swollows, latching his mouth around the head and jerking my cock with his fist. My whole body goes limp when he lets go, licking at the head and kissing it one last time. I open my eyes and grin at him, pulling him down for a kiss. "Oh god, youre mouth is gonna be the death of me baby". He grins down at me. He is so fucking sexy and beautiful. I cant beleive he had his mouth wrapped around my cock.

  I decide to tell him what I have been thinking for a few months now, deciding to throw caution to the wind and admit that I have been lusting after him for a few years now. "I have to tell you something Jake. I thought I was straight up until I slept with that girl. I came, but i wasn't truly satisfied and I couldn't understand why. Then you. We were all getting dressed after gym and there you were across the changing room, your top off and your shorts tight across your cock and arse. I instantly had a hard on, harder than I have ever had before. I couldnt understand it at first. Everytime i walked into a room in school I was searching you out. Looking for your mop of brown hair" I stroke my hand across his hair, loving the feel of the strands slipping through my fingers. "I couldnt stop thinking about you. Oh I tried. Our moms have been hot for eachother for years, its gonna happen one day, then we would be step brothers. It didnt sit well with me. I just cant stop myself, I want you so fucking bad baby. I want to kiss you everyday and fuck you till you scream. I wanna watch films with you and watch you bite your bottom lip when you are concentrating. Tell me what you want Jake. If this isnt what you want, a relationship with me, I will back off. I will leave you alone and stop persuing you"

He bites his lip, watching me with his big brown eyes. Suddenly he huffs out a breath. "I have always fancied you, long before I realised I was gay. I just never thought you swung my way. God Dean, everytime you walked past I couldnt help but stare after you, watching as you laughed with your mates. I physically had to stop myself from staring at you everytime we had gym and you would parade around the locker room half naked, or with just a little towel covering your junk. Whats happening here Dean? better yet what are we going to tell our moms, I think we shoul-". Jake screams and jumps off of my thighs. I grab the blanket and pull the blanket over us, making sure that the most important parts are covered up. Both our moms stand in the door way, my mom with her arms on her hips and Jakes mom, Sarah, with her arms crossed.

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