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I sit up, really looking at the both of them. I grin, realising that we wernt the only ones in the house getting busy, then promptly grimace. I am happy for our moms, but I cant stomache the thought that my mom does anything remotely relating to sex. I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows, copying their questioning stances.

Jakes mom suddenly clears her throat. "So we were listening through the door, and before you say anything Jake, this is my house an you are my son. I have the right to be nosey when it concerns your health, happiness and well being. I wont apologise for that and neither will Angela, her stance apart from it being her house, being the same. Before you ask no we didnt hear anything no mother wants to hear coming from a room that her son is in. But, we did hear you two talking. We dont disapprove of your budding relationship, infact we called it a few years ago after one to many wines, but we just want you two to be happy and carefull. With that I think its time to tell you I put stuff in your top draw Jake to help with, all that. And we too have somethig to tell you two. We have finally decided to stop dancing around eachother and persue a relationship. This wont effect your relationship because you two arnt related. Were gonna leave now, because this is arkward. Love you two".

Before me or Jake can open our mouths in response to what was just said the both of them dart out the room. Less than a minuet later we hear the sound of a car in the garage starting up, the garage door raising then lowering a few seconds later. I roll over and open Jakes top bedside table draw, laughing and groaning at what I find inside. I grab hold of them and roll back over, showing Jake.

His face goes adorably red and he lunges for my hand, snatching the offending items from me and putting them back in his draw, slamming it for good measure. "Who do you think put them in there then? Your mom or mine?". He huffs and climbs off the bed.

"Definitedly my mom. Its not the first time either". I grin at him, finding it adorable that he is embarressed that his mom puts condoms and lube inside his drawers. "Well I can say that my mom has only ever stashed condoms in my bedroom, never lube though. It could come in handy though dont you think?". I climb out the bed, stripping my breifs off as i go. Jake flushes more and mumbles something about taking a shower. I watch him walk into the bathroom, unbashedly ogling his arse. I follow him in after gathering a clean change of clothes. Im surprised when he is already gettin out the shower, his hair drenched and water droplets gliding down his chest. He blushes when he notices me staring and grabs a towel, darting past me into the bedroom.

I climb into the shower, doing everything to ignore my cock, which is already hard again so soon. I wash my hair and my body, only to finally give in and grab my cock. I lean on the wall with one arm outstretched above me, and slowly start to stroke myself. I picture Jake on his knees infront of me, licking and sucking at my heavy balls. I groan, pumping myself faster. I hear a gasp and turn my head, opening my eyes to see Jake in the door way watching me. He blushes furiously and stutters about putting a film on, all the while his eyes never leave my still pumping hand on my cock. He licks his lips, his own hand going down to rub at his cock through his jogging bottoms. I clench my jaw, gritting my teeth, picturing him sucking gently at the head, lapping at my pre cum. I groan loudly, my come shooting out my cock and hitting the wall. I gasp when I feel warmth over the head. I open my eyes and see Jake sucking at my head like i pictured, swollowing some of my cum. He steps back, smirking at me. My eyes fall shut when he turns and walks out the bathroom. He shouts over his shoulder about putting a film on in the den, asking me if I want to join him. I mumble out a reply, something along the lines of being down in a minuet. I cant help the smile forming on my lips as I stand there and recover from my second orgasm of the morning. Im pretty sure I owe him one now. Im all for tit for tat.


I run down the stairs, shocked at my own behaviour. Twice today I have tasted Deans cock and I think im addicted. Leaving him in that bathroom to recover while my own cock is demanding attention was hard as fuck. I ignore my demanding dick and go into the kitchen, gettin a drink each and throwing some popcorn in the microwave. Grabbing both drinks I go into the den, basically the basement, setting the drinks down on the coffeee table infront of the couches. I turn the tv on, getting the movie menu up. I go to turn to go back to the kitchen when the bowel of popcorn and chocolate land on the table before me. I glance behind me and see no one, when suddenly hands land on my hips. I look down behind me to see Dean kneeling down, examaning my arse in my pants. I go to move forward when his hands tighten, pulling the back of my pants down slightly. My mouth gapes open when he leans forwards and starts placing light kisses on the part of my cheeks that are uncovered. He glances up and maintaining eye contact with me, he leans forward and bites my arse. I gasp at the feeling, and instead of letting go he sucks my skin into his mouth. My cock jerks at his actions, leaking precome into my breifs. He lets my skin go with a pop. smilling at his handywork. I know he has left a mark, and that thought only gets me hotter.

He stands up behind me, putting my pants back into place. With a light pat on my bum he turns and sits on the couch, getting comfortable. I turn around and sit at the other end, spreading my legs out infront of me. I toss the remote to him, telling him he can choose the film. I barley pay attention, just watch the cars all race eachother around the streets, with the occasional crash and chase thrown in. We stay in the den all morning, watching lots of different films. We also eat ourselves into a coma, ordering a large pizza each. I dont notice myself falling asleep, but im suddenly aware of moving. I open my eyes slightly and see that Dean in carrying me up to my room. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and snuggle my face into his neck, unashamed in my half asleep state. He places me down gently on the bed and helps me pull my tshirt off, removing my pants too. He pulls the blanket over me and climbs in, wrapping his arms around my waist, spooning me from behind. I pull my breifs off and kick them down my legs. I lean down and pull the all the way off, throwing them over the edge of the bed.

Dean groans into my hair when he realises what I have done. "You are tempting the beast baby". He grinds his covered dick into my arse, only his breifs keeping it from touching my bare skin. I groan into my pillow. "S'comfier to sleep". I hear him chuckle behind me and Im soon falling back asleep. His arms around me and keeping my back warm.

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