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I stare down into his eyes not beleiving what ive just heard come out of his mouth. "Are you sure Jake? We can wait as long as you need. Theres no need to ru-" He cuts me off by leaning up and kissing me, slowly licking accross my lips.

"I think you better lock the door babe". I grin at his nickname and jump up, locking the door. I turn and rest against it, just watching him. He raises his eyebrows at me. When I dont move he reaches up and pulls his top off, kicking his shoes off he peels his socks off too. He unbuttons his jeans, pulling the zipper down and taking his cock out. My mouth waters at the sight. He slowly pumps his hand up and down, rubbing his pre come into the crown. I stride across the room and knock his hand out the way, replacing it with mine. I kiss the head, licking over his slit. He gasps and grips my hair. I yank his jeans and breifs off, throwing them over the edge of the bed. I spread his legs and lay between them. I bob my head up and down on his cock, lapping my tongue around the crown. I hum around him, taking him as deep as I can. Im pretty pleased when my nose touches his groin, my lips wrapped around his base. I look up and start swollowing around him.

Pulling off with an audible wet popping sound I grin up at his flushed face. His cock bounces up against his stomach, smearing my saliva and his precome all over him. "Are you truly sure bout this Jake? Please dont think you have too. We can wait. Im more than happy sucking you off and vice versa. Please dont think you have too". He smiles down at me, his mouth widening into a big self setisfied grin.

"Dean, please. I want you, I want you to fuck me. I want you to have my virginity". I hang my head and take his cock back in my mouth, sucking at his head. I pull off and start lapping at him, sucking his precome down when it appears. Soon he starts whining, pleading with me to stop or he will come. I lean up on my knees and reach over to the bedside table, pulling open the drawer and grabbing the lube. When I pull a condom out he shakes his head no at me, gently taking it out of my hand and putting it back in the drawer.

I frown down at him. "Im clean Jake, my mom demanded I get tested every few months when she realised I was sexually active. But that doesnt mean you have to feel compelled to have sex with me without one".

He shakes his head, blushing furiously. "I want to feel you come inside me". I have to strain to hear him and when I do I grin.

"You really are a dirty boy arnt you?" I notice his cock twitch and leak at my dirty words. I lay back down between his legs, pushing his legs up and out. He groans at this and throws his arm over his head, covering his eyes. I kiss at his thighs, licking at nibbling. I completely ignore his cock for now, opting to nuzzles at his balls. I pull back an eye his puckered hole, sticking my tongue out to wetly lap at it. I stiffin my tongue and push, feeling his muscle contact around me. His whines are making me crazy. I hump my hips into the bed, trying to find friction. I sit up and grab the lube from the bed besides him hip. Popping the cap i squirt some onto my fingers, rubbing them against his hole. He groans at the coldness. I gently press my finger against him, pushing it past his muscle. I fuck him like that, slowly adding two more fingers and stretching them out, spinning them around a few times. I pull them out and squirt some lube on my cock, rubbing it all over. I lean down, leaning on my forearms, resting besides his head.

I nuzzle my nose against his, kissing his lips slowly. My cock slips between his cheeks, rubbing against him deliciously. I pull one of his legs up resting it over my shoulder. Grabbing my cock press into him gently. He gasps, when my cock head breaches him. I fuck in and out of him slowly with the head, letting him ge used to the size and feel back there. He is moaning quietly into my ear, gasping every now and then. I lean up on my hands, my hips still fucking my head into his arse. The urge to just thrust home rides me hard, but the fear of him feeling pain and not pleasure stops me. "You want me to fuck you baby? Stuff you full of my cock and make you scream in pleasure? Or maybe make you beg? Yeah, I think I like the sound of that one. Beg me jake, beg me to fuck your arse, make you weep with pleasure. Do you want my come Jake? Beg me baby". Im slowly fucking more of my cock into him without him realising. Theres still more than half left, but ive managed to get more in while i spoke dirty to him.

"Oh Dean, please. Fuck me, make me come so hard. Take my virginity and fuck me hard, please. Please Dea-" I push my cock in deeper, nearly to the hilt. He groans, his cock twitching between us. I pull out and ram it home again, my balls slapping against him. He moans wantonly. I grit my teeth and fuck him, pumping my cock in and out of him. I pull out completely and he whines, looking up at me. Instead of speaking I  roll him onto his side and encorouge him to get on his hands and knees. I press my cock against him again when he is kneeling before me. His arms rest besides his head on the bed. His eyes are closed and his mouth is open, filthy moans dripping off of his tongue.


Dean pumos his cock into me, his balls slapping against me on each thrust. I groan deep in my throat. He leans over me and puts a hand around my throat, pulling me up and my back against him. In this position his cock bumps into my prostate, making me squeel in pleasure. Both of us are now on our knees and he is mercilessly fucking me from behind. Ramming his cock in my arse, making my cock weep. He brings his mouth to my ear and nips it. "Do you like this hmmm? Me fucking you? I know you do, because you are a dirty boy". His other hand comes around and grabs my cock. He squeezes around the base and my balls, stopping me from cumming like I desperatley want to. "Ask me Jake. Ask nicely and I will fuck your arse till you come all over your bed".

I beg him, oh fuck do I beg him. "Please Dean, please let me come. I need to, I need to come so badly". My words cut off on a choke. He reaches down with both hands and grabs my wrists, pinning them at my back with one hand. The other comes up and cups my jaw, pulling my head back into his neck. He fucks me even harder now, amking sure to bump against my prostate each time. Within seconds im coming, my cock jerking as come shoots out accross the bed. I pull at my wrists, wanting nothing more than to jerk my cock. He lets go of my jaw and grabs my cock, puming his fist along it as he fucks me. I fall forwards on my own come, panting into the bed sheet. He lets go of my cock and arms and pounds away at me, chasing his own pleasure and release.

"You want me to come in you baby? Pump your arse full of my cock so it leaks out of you? Is that what you want baby?". He pummels my arse, until he thrusts balls deep and stops. He groans deeply into my ear, his cock throbbing deep inside of me. His orgasm sets off a mini one in me, his pulsing cock pressing against my prostate. my cock weeps  more come, making the bed underneath me even more dirtier.

Dean pulls out of me slowly. His hand comes down on my arse cheek unexpectedly, making me moan. He laughs standing up "You are a lot filthier than I ever thought you would be, and I fucking love it". He goes into the bathroom and comes out with a towel. He comes over to me and sits on my thighs. He pulls my arse cheeks apart and doesnt move. I glance over my shoulder and see him fixated on my arse. I raise my eyebrow and he smiles at me. "My come is leaking out your arse and its the hottest thing I have ever seen". I bury my head in my arms, letting him look his fill. After a while he does actaully clean me up, wiping at the come covering my balls and cock. He falls onto the bed besides me, pulling me onto his chest. We both fall asleep in eachothers arms, content as can be.

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