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I wake up sore all over, in the best way. I turn on my side and face Dean. He is laying on his back with only his groin covered by the blanket. I think back to last night and I start tingling all over. The way he took me was amazing. I lean up on my arm and watch him sleep. His nipples are beaded and my mouth waters. I lean down and flick my tongue out, licking accross one. He grumbles in his sleep, his abdominal muscles twitching. I grin at his response in his sleep and take his nipple fully into my mouth. I suckle at it gently, letting it pop from my lips, only to take it right back in again. His hand comes up and threads through my hair, his voice thick with sleep. "You seem to be enjoying yourself this morning". I let his nipple pop from my mouth, dragging my teeth accross it lightly as it goes. His eyes darken, going hudded. I kneel up and pull the blanket off of both of us.

Straddling his thighs I gip his cock in my hand, taking mine in my other and pressing them together. I slowly fuck our cocks together, our precome mixing between our throbbing cocks. His hands come to my hips and rocks me back and forth. I am close when he grabs both of my hands, pulling them away from our cocks. I groan in sweet agony. "Why'd you stop me?".

"I wanna try something. Turn around and put both your legs either side of my head". I hesitate only a few seconds, picturing what he is saying. I climb of his legs and spin around, moving into the postition he said. I choke on a groan when hot, wet heat envelopes my cock. He takes me all the way to t
he hilt. His hand lifts up and cups my balls, his other hand gripping my arse cheek. His finger probes my hole, gently putting pressure there. His hips thrust upwards, his cock bumping into my lips. I open my mouth and lick at his head, kissing his crown. I open my mouth and take him inside slowly, bobbing my head up and down. His finger enters my arse, zooning in on my prostate. I gurgle around him, pressing my mouth down and taking him as far down as I can manage. My nose touches his base and I lift my hands up and cup and fondle his balls. When he rubs little circles I groan, the vinbrations in turn making him groan too. I up my efforts, determined to make him come before I do. I let his cock pop from my mouth, grabbing it in my fist and pumping it up and down. I suck one of his balls into my mouth, using my tongue to lick all over it. His hips start jerking upwards and I take him into my mouth. His hand leaves my balls and comes down to the back of my head, using my hair to guide my mouth up and down on him. His own mouth is bobbing up and down, he takes me down his throat and undulates his tongue, swollowing around me too.

I squeel around his cock, my own cock pulsing and shooting come down his throat. My orgasm travels through my body, leaving me a panting, shaking mess. I go to climb off when Dean grabs my hips, keeping me there. His hand comes down on my arse in a slap. He fondles my arse as I recover, my head laid on his thigh. His cock stands up striaght, the head a red angry colour. I lean up on shaky arms and nuzzle his cock. I rub it across my lips and lick at it. I love him with my mouth, bobbing up and down slowly. All the while he is squeezing my arse cheeks. He spread me wide so he can see my pickered hole, groaning. His balls pull up tight to his body, his come shooting in my mouth. I swollow him down, loving his taste on my tongue.

I roll off him, turning to lay down besides him. He grins at me, pulling me into his chest. "You really are a dirty boy. Maybe one day I will tie you down and make you really bef for your orgasm, for me to fuck you. Would you like that baby?". I bury my head in his chest, hiding my red face from him. He laughs deep in his chest, his whole body vibrating with mirth.

I clear my mouth and glance up to him, my face not changing colour from its red state. "Do you ever think we could, erm, ah.. " I cant finish my train of thought, my mouth clamping shut.

He smiles down at me, rolling so he is between my legs. I wrap mine around his hips, humming when he starts kissing my neck. "Swap places?" My mouth drops open but nothing comes out. Im unsure he means what I was thinking. "Do you mean, you fuck me?". My cock lurches at his words, bumping up at his tummy. He grins down at me, "If you play your cards right baby, you can. Does it turn you on the thought of me underneath you? Or bent over while you make me moan? Fucking my arse, hmm? Yeah jake, we can. Maybe soon". I lean up and capture his lips, thrusting my tongue into his mouth. He pulls away and kisses accross my face. "Time to get up baby, replenish our energy with food. If you want to fuck me you will need it".

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