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I pull up to my house and jump out the car, meeting Jake on the otherside as we walk up to the house. It still hasnt been fixed, even a little bit. Its structurally sound, as the new lot of builders have had to rip the whole roof off completely. I grab hold of his hand as we near the door, leading him trough  the house towards the basement. Shockingly this is the only room in the house that hasnt had any water damage. Something with these houses being old builds and being built with the thought of hurricains and floods. Not that we have ever had either. I turn around when I find what I need and Jake is standing right in front of me.

He leans up on his tip toes and kisses me on the lips, thrusting his tongue in my mouth and taking over the kiss. I could easily take the lead back from him, Im bigger than him and stronger, and naturally more dominant, but I dont want too. His own brand of dominance is coming out right now and its turning me the fuck on. His hand grips my arse, the other coming up under my tshirt. He rubs over my nipples, gently plucking them, making me groan into his mouth. Im ready to jump his bones when we pulls back and pulls my top up, kissing his way over my pecks. When he reaches my nipple he licks across it, nipping at it playfully. After sucking on it and making me whine he abandones it, licking, nipping and kissing his way down my torso. He kneels infront of me, undoing my pants and pulling my cock from my underwear.

He kisses around the base and slowly jerks his hand up and down, paying close attention to the sensitive head. I thread my hands in his hair, holding onto his head as he licks up the shaft. He doesnt suck me down like I want him too. Instead he places a light kiss against the head and then opens his mouth, his tongue coming out. He strokes me over his tongue, my precome dropping off and landing on his tongue. Im coming within minuets, my come splashings across his tongue and in his mouth. When Im panting and finished he closes his mouth and swollows my come down. My mouth drops open in pleasure when he leans forwards and sucks the head, cleaning my come off. I pull his head away after a few seconds, my legs not being able to hold my weight as he sucks me past sensitivity.

I grin at him when he stands up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. I grab his hips and pull him into me, his legs inbetween mine. "You are such an enigma Jake. You are so shy in real life, and yet when it comes to sex your like a tiger. You have absoloutly no shyness and fuck me doesn it turn me on". He smiles at me and wraps his arms around my waist, cuddling his head against my chest.

"I never knew I could be like that. I guesse you know Im a virgin?" At my head nod he smiles and carrys on. "When it comes to sex with you Im not embarressed or shy, But the mere thought of doing anything sexual with anyone else? It turns my stomace. Ive been lusting after you for years now and I cant beleive we are doing this. What ever this is". He's frowning when he says that last part and I find myself rushing to reassure him, not wanting him to be confused or worried about what we are.

"I might be getting abit ahead of myself her baby, but your mine. I dont want anyone else. I dont want to have sex with anyone else or even touch anyone else. Male or Female. If thats not what you want Jakey, To be my partner, boyfriend, other half, whatever you wanna call it, tell me now. Because I cant hide my feelings for you any longer. If this isnt what you want you need to let me know so I can walk away with my heart still intact. I cant stand not having you but still having you near. And I cant stand the thought of only having you for sex. I want much more than that. Although I cant wait to make you moan while I finally fuck you. I want all your laughs and I want to be near when your upset. I want eveyrthing with you Jake". He sniffles against my chest and I open my mouth to ask him whats wrong when I see that he is crying silently against me.

My mouth snaps shut when he giggles, his tears rolling past his smiling mouth. "I want all that too Dean. I have just been worried that you will realise you dont to be with someone who isnt experienced, or even me at all. But I know you want to be with me, god only knows why, and I want to be with you too". I smile at his words, tutting when he is being self discriminating. I grip the backs or his thighs and pick him up, his legs going around my waist. Turning I press him up agaisnt the wall and kiss his mouth, making love to it with my own. We are interrupted with a slight clearing of a throat behind us. I drop his to his feet and peck him on the nose, grabbing hold of his hand and spinning to face our moms.

"So we know for certain that you two are together now, we just want to tell you that we have  been talking and we are going to sell our houses and move in together". My mom looks at me worried but then smiles when she sees I am beaming for them.

I laugh "At least now we wont have to sneak out eachothers bedroom windows, might aswell share one too while we are at it". Jake blushes madly when a builder walks down. He shakes his head with a smile on his face and asks our moms if they have time to talk. We slip out while they are busy talking and jump into my car. We drive back to Jakes and I chase him up the stairs, him getting to the room before me. I tackle him onto the bed and pin his arms down above his head, sitting on his thighs. My hand comes up and I wiggle my fingers, slowly bringing them down to his ribs. He screams and laughs as I tickle him, tossing and turning his body to get away from my fingers and trying to buck me off. I stop after a few mins when he becomes breathless, tears of laughter rolling down his cheeks. He beams up at me and bites his lip. My cock stands up and starts throbbing at his next words.

"I want to give you my virginity. Now"

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