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I stare at the tv screen and stop breathing, unsure on how to respond to his question. The truth? Damn straight i want to kiss him. I would kiss him all over if he allowed me to. I flush at my own thoughts and yelp when the console is ripped from my hands and im yanked onto Deans lap.

He grips my hips and stares into my face, grinning. "Im going to go out on a hunch here and say that you do, and that you probably pictured us kissing, going by the blush on your cheeks. I dip my head down and look down at my hands when he says this. I nod when he doesnt say anymore. His hands leave my hips, one threading into my hair and the other landing on my lower back. Dean leans forward and nuzzles his nose into my neck, just as his lips make contact his mom shouts up at us to come down and have something to eat. I scramble off of him and race down the stairs, sighing in relief.

Its not that i didnt want Dean to do what he was doing, because I did. Too much. I sit at the kitchen table and rest my chin in my hand, staring at the countertop. I glance over him when he pulls his chair out and sits down besides me. His natural smell and cologne he is wearing hits me, doing nothing to help my raging boner. I ajust myself, making sure to check that neither of our moms are able to see me doing it. Dean doesnt miss what im doing, chuckling under his breath when i fidgit in my chair.

I always thought that Dean was straight. The few girlfriends he has had solidifying my reasoning. Maybe he is bi?. Im snapped out of my thoughts when he grips my knee, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "I am very much gay Jake, dont question that. I experimented with girls and then guys, and realised i definitely prefare cock. And you". My breath gets caught in my throat. I turn my head and gape and him. He grins wickedly at me and turns to answer a question his mom asked him. I tune them all out, my mind whirling round like a hurricain. I can beleive that he is gay, only just. But what I cant beleive is that he is into me. I mean im not ugly, but im not his level of hotness. I come just up to his shoulders and my muscles are nothing compared to his. I do infact have abs, but its more like a four pack than a six. And i know for a fact he is rocking a solid six pack, all his abs and his pecks so well defined.

I startle when his hand starts rubbing circles on my knee, my cock jerking and leaking a little bit. I stay still as to not alert our mothers. His rubbing stops and instead his hand wraps around the top of my knee, holding my leg in his hand. Is it wrong that his possessive hold turns me on? because it defintely feels like it should be wrong. I test his hold and pull my knee in slightly, but not getting very far when his hold tightens, keeping my leg where it is. I let him keep hold of my leg, opting to ignore it, and my throbbing cock, finsihing my food in silence.


I smile to myself when i realise what Jake is trying to do. Trying being the operative word. He has been avoiding me, making up excuses to leave a room when I enter and outright avoiding me. Too bad we share a room now. I glance over in his direction when I enter his room, noticing he is completely covered by his blanket, only his head and hands holding his phone infront of his face visible. Turning away from him I continue putting my bedframe together. I frown when i realise im missing an imortant part of the bed. The whole thing will colapse in on itself if i try and get on it , nevermind when i put my mattress on it. I head out the room and find my mom in the kitchen with Jakes mom flirting while they clean up. I roll my eyes at them. Im not even sure they are aware that they are flirting with eachother. They have both danced around their mutual attraction for eachother for years. Does it bother me that my mom is lesbian? No, not at all. I just wish they would finally get together and put us all out of our misery. The only slight problem beng that I am so into Jake its fucking ridiculous. Although we would be considered step brothers I am not going to stop persuing him. We are not blood so their would be absoloutly nothing wrong with us being a couple. And thats what im aiming for. I have been panting after him since before I realised I am gay, and then when I realised I was gay I wanted him even more. Except now im not going to pant for him in the background. That boy will be my boyfriend sooner or later. Although if he really didnt want me I would back off instantly, but im positive he does want me, if not more than I want him. He is just good at hiding it up to now.

I tell my mom that I am missing an important part of the bedframe and we, including Jakes mom, Sarah, all look for it. "It must have been left in the house. Im gonna go an get it". I get in her way when she reaches for her keys. "Just leave it mom, its too late to go looking around the house for one screw, I will just sleep on the mattress on the floor or the couch for tonight". It takes a few mins to convince my mom to leave it for tonight.

I tell them both goodnight and head back up to the room. Just as im crouching down to lay on my mattress the door burts open, revealing both my mom and Sarah standing there. Even Jake jerks fully awak when this happens as he was asleep when I came back up. Sarah shakes her head. "You cant sleep on the floor Dean, even the couch will be too uncomfortable. You will just have to share the bed with Jake tonight, its big enough to fit both of you". I stand to my full height and glance at Jake to see him blushing. "That is okay isnt it Jake? Dean cant sleep on the floor or the couch, he will end up with a sore back doing either".

"Ah, yeah mom thats fine". I smile over at him when he shuffled from the middle of the bed, closer to the wall. Both our moms wish us goodnight and shut the door, both their footseps fading down the stairs till the music they had playing on lowly starts back up again. I shuck my sweatpants and top off, pulling the corner of the blanket down and sliding in next to him. Jake shuffles closer to the wall, practically flattened up against it. I outright laugh at his actics and grab his hips, gently pulling him back onto the bed so he can sleep properly. "You dont have to hug the wall Jake, i dont bite unless im asked nicely too". His breathing stutters at that and i grin. I pull my hands back reluctantly from him and roll onto my back, my left arm coming up under the pillow and my other resting over my stomach. I smill when I fell him shifting around on the bed. I open my eyes sligtly and see him on his side facing me. His eyes are roaming over my chest arms and stomach. I have to fight the grin fighting its way onto my face and stay still instead, letting him look as much as he wants. Within minuets im falling asleep, my mind goin blank.


I lay there motionless watching Dean sleep. My own sleep evading me while he is this close with only a pair of thight breifs anf blanket covering him. He rolls over onto his side facing me. I examine his face while he is relaxed with sleep. I cant stop myself from lifting my hand and lightly tracing his face with the tip of my finger. His mouth twitches when i reach it. I yank my hand back when he smiles, his eyes opening sleepily to watch me. "Why'cha stop for? I was enjoying that". My mouth gapes open, unable to find an appropriate response. When I dont answer he shuffles closer on the bed toward me. His hand snaps out and wraps around my waist, pulling me the rest of the way toward him. "Go to sleep Jake". He lifts his arm up and cups the back of my head, pulling me into his chest. I inhale his scent, humming with satisfaction. Our legs tangle together and when I try to pull my leg out from between his he clenches his legs, keeping mine prisoner. I pull my hand away from my chest and tentatively wrap it around his waist, my other hand coming up and landing on his pecs. Im asleep within seconds, the sound of his heartbeat in my ears lulling me asleep.

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