44. ||PIGEONS||

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Exams can be strenuous.
And that, Krishna
Is no understatement.

I went to the park
For a stroll, a breath of fresh air
It has some beautiful flowers,
Pigeons and doves
And some mischievous

I sat pondering
When two pigeons
Flew high up in the air
Away from their clan.

He stole her millets
And squealed teasingly
She went flying behind him
Angrily, yet happily
As if to say
Stop teasing me!

He won't stop
He ran like
There was no tomorrow.

In the end, she gave up
Feigned a puffy face
And perched on a branch
Away from him.
He came back
Maybe whispered a few sorrys
And gave her
The grains.

She smiled at him
And said
Break it in half.
They were so utterly
Blissfully complete.

They perched on opposite branches
And looked at each other
And kept looking
For each others
Caressing arms.

Between them was a robust branch.

Birds have always
Been your thing, Krishna.
No wonder I love them too.

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