An Idea

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I heard the familiar sound of the plate food getting pushed in through the slot in the door. I reached forward to grab the plates and gave them to Hazel, Frank, and Jason.

It has been five days since Hazel was pushed into the room and three days since Frank was pushed in.

We ate our food silently, not even glancing at each other. What could we even say? There was nothing to talk about except that we lost the war, and we will be tormented for the rest of our lives, just sitting here, in a dark room lighted by candles and chains around us.

When I finished my food, I pushed my plate out of the slot, it wasn’t difficult, the room was relatively small, and we could (king of) move around a little without being pulled back by the chains. The others soon followed after.

I leaned back and looked around the room, as always, it was a small room with no windows, just a door and us, bounded by the chains like prisoners -

“We seriously need to do something,” Hazel said, breaking my train of thoughts.

“What can we do, Hazel?” Frank said while scooting closer to Hazel, “We are literally bounded by these chains, that don’t allow us to even use our powers, we are totally defenceless.”

“Hazel,” Jason said, Hazel looked up with tears in her eyes, “I promise we will get out someday, but not right now. Frank is right, we are in fact defenceless, we can’t do anything.”

“Annabeth, can’t you think of something? Any ideas spewing in your mind? I mean we woke up after two years, we could have never woken up. But the fact that we are awake must have a purpose, right?” Hazel said softly.

“I am sorry, but I can’t think of anything,” I replied while shaking my head. It was true, I cannot think of even one idea. Some ideas did come to my mind, like Frank turning into a small creature and then getting out the chains, but it was quickly proven wrong when we were told by the Giants, that the chains restraining us, are made up of a special metal, that prevent the use of powers.

“So, what do you all want to do? Just sit here and eat food!” Hazel exclaimed and stomped her foot. “Seriously guys, we need to do something, we can’t just sit here and let them torture us. We are awake, that means the other demigods may also be awake, right? Piper and Leo, they might be out there. We need to reunite and fight. Even Percy, he fell into the ocean when he was stabbed, there is a chance that the water healed him.”

I looked up at her, shocked. I can’t believe that I forgot that the water could have healed him when he fell into the ocean.

“You are right, there may be a chance that Piper and Leo are out there and Percy being…. alive,” I said.

“Alright, we need to do something, but what?” Frank said, “Right now, we are in no shape to fight.”

“Yeah, there are hundreds of giants roaming outside the door, we can’t possibly defeat all of them,” Jason said.

“You know what? I don’t think the Giants are the one operating this place. There must be a leader to control them.” I perused my lips.

“Gaia?” Frank offered.

“I don’t think it’s Gaia, there must be someone else, who is working under Gaia because if she were here, she would have met us at least once,” Jason said.

“I agree,” I said and went into deep thoughts. Who could it be? It must be a Primordial or-

“It could be a Titan,” I looked at them, “it’s possible that the Titans could be working for Gaia.”

As if on cue, the door opened and a figure walked in. It was a woman. She strutted towards us and stood in front of us with her arms crossed. She was pale, had white clothes on, and was wearing a gold crown.

I glared at her “Selene,” I could easily recognize her, especially with her moon halo. Others looked at me, with a look of confusion.

She clapped her hands, “Well done Annabeth Chase, I knew you would recognize me.”

“So, you are the one who is holding us here” Frank rebuked.

“Of course, after all, you are my special guest”, she smiled at us.

“Guest?” Hazel laughed “Wow, you surely know how to treat a guest.”

“When an enemy comes under your roof, then he becomes a guest,” she grinned, “Be happy that you're a guest and hence I have left you alone, or else I would have put you into a machine of kicks and punches and would have crushed you into shredded meat”

“Where are the others?” I asked ignoring her threat.

“Well I don’t know, the Giants only brought you four after that ship attack, and you filthy demigods have been asleep for two years, I am sure you know that.” She continued while turning towards the door, “Well, bye I just came here to see your,” she looked at us, “condition.” She laughed and slammed the door behind her.

“What if the others are dead?” Hazel cautiously said.

“Or they escaped from the ship before the Giants took them” I wondered.

“Let’s make a plan, and escape from this hell-hole,” Jason said.

“But it will be impossible to escape from these chains, they are really strong” Frank frowned.

That was true, these chains were really strong, we tried so many things but these chains didn’t break, no matter what we did not even a single scratch appeared on these chains.

“Yup just like diamonds” Hazel murmured.
I sat up straighter,


Jason noticing my smile “What happened, Annabeth? Why are you smiling?”

“Guys, ever heard the proverb, diamond cuts diamond?” I asked them.

The others catching to my idea grinned.

“So, if we rub these chains against each other, they will erode and ultimately break” Hazel continued “My gods! Annabeth you are a genius.”

“Probably we would have to try it first”
I rubbed the chains on my hands against each other and as predicted, they indeed eroded, I could see tiny scrapes of gold on the floor.

“Come on, let’s break out,” Frank said while rubbing his chains together.

All of us started rubbing our chains together, it was a slow process and was taking a lot of time, but I was sure that by tomorrow they will break.

We will show them that we can still rise,


Courage is not to be told, it is to be shown.

Hello, thanks for reading, I hope you like it. Please tell me if it needs improvement, I would love your feedback.

I do not own the characters, Rick Riordan does. I only own the plot.

And lastly,

Hakuna matata :)

Hakuna matata :)

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