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"Anyway, are you excited for Show me the Money ? It's a great opportunity for people to get to know you

- Yeah I am, but I'm scared too. What if I flop ? What if I get eliminated first ? There are plenty of good rappers out there, and many better than me

- But no one is you, alright ? They can spit fire all they want but if they have no charisma or stage presence, they won't last a week

- She is right you know"

He doubts so much. It's normal, I mean, who doesn't, but he's often putting himself down. It makes me sad

"You're an amazing rapper Bobby. You put your soul and emotions in your texts. Don't underrate yourself alright. You're going to beat them all, because you're the best rapper among trainees

- Thank you Noona"

Alright, now that the peep talk is done, can we do something fun ?

"Who's down for a Mario Kart ?

- I sure am ! But do you have a Wii or something ?

- No, I don't even have a television.  BUT, I brought my D.S back from Chicago, along with yours. And I told Yongguk to bring his as well

- OMG yaaasssss"

I haven't had a Nintendo D.S in my hands since I was 17 or something. Wild. I'm old

The game was pretty fun honestly, I missed playing so much ! But now Bobby is sulking

"Alright big baby, what do you want ?

- Huh... I kinda miss our hugs

- Aww my little brother wants a hug, how sweet"

I hugged him real long and kissed his cheek.

"Better ?

- Yes, thank you"

I'm soft, he's so sweet. I tend to forget he's still only a teenager. Not for long though, he'll be 20 in 8 months but still. He's a baby. He's my baby

We had a great evening, full of laugh but now it's 2am and we're all tired. I have no idea why I'm tired, I'm probable just getting old and not used to have 2 nights out in a row.

Bobby installed two mattresses, including one inflatable, and we lied down all together, me being in the middle because when Bobby has an idea, he sticks to it. Annoying, really, but it will get him places.

I started to play with Bobby's hair since he loves it and Yongguk began to hum softly. Deep voices are so relaxing it's crazy. It did not take long for Bobby to fall asleep (with his Winnie the Pooh cuddly toy)  so I turned around to face Yongguk

"So, what's your group's name ?

- It's B.A.P. It stands for Best Absolute Perfect. We try our best to inspire people and reflect the pressures our society puts on teenagers

- It's very different from bubblegum kpop, but I think it's important to talk about those issues since music helps so much people

- My thoughts exactly.

- And how many are you ?

- 6. I'm the leader and Junhong is the youngest. Himchan hyung is the oldest

- And it's not going well with your agency?

- I'm not really allowed to talk about it but we're not treated quite right and everything got worst when we lost a lawsuit to leave. But hey, at least we debuted and we're together.

- I'm so sorry for you, you work really hard only to get mistreated. That sucks.

- We mainly do music so people can feel better. It's ok as long as our fans are.

- That's really sweet !"

I feel so bad for them. The idol life is really tough. I'm kinda glad I didn't pass the auditions

" I really don't know how soloists can go through all of this. You have your members to give you hope and motivate you but soloists, I don't know how they can face all of that...

- I think they view their back dancers and staff as their family, just like I see my members as a family. Everyone has a reason to go forward and to not give up. Sometimes it's themselves, but it's ok.

- You're really wise that's crazy. You must've been through a lot

- It's ok, I'm never alone"

He's really humble, it's nice to talk with him. And his voice is so deep and calming, it's definitely a plus

"But enough about me ! What do you work in ?

- Oh, nothing special really, I do small jobs to pay my rent and bills

- Do you aspire to something greater ? Or are you content with what you have

- I wish I could work as a model. I'd like to bring body positivity and a different mindset to the industry, but I've only worked for small local shops where my head was cut off on the final magazine so I can't really do much right now

- At least you have a goal, and that's great. If you fight for what you want, you'll get it"

You need connections to get into this business but I'll do it. By myself. I'll succeed

"You seem sleepy, we should probably rest

- No no no it's ok, I love talking to you I don't want to stop

- Thank you. But you should really sleep, you won't last much longer anyway

- You're probably right . . ."

He started to pat my hair and I fell asleep in seconds

We all woke up at (roughly) the same time, ate breakfast and chilled before deciding it was time to go home. I gave my number to Yongguk so he could text me about tomorrow's shooting location and other details.

I went to work at 6:30pm to get all the tables ready and clean up a little. The night went smoothly until my boss requested to talk to me privately

"Yes Ma'am, you wanted to see me ?

- Indeed Haylee. You are a very good waitress, but I want to test you. We have very influent people tonight at table 3. You're going to serve them. And as always for wealthy clients, consistency is fidelity, so if you manage tonight, you will take care of them everytime.

- Alright

- But if you mess up, we could lose a very good client. Understood ?

- Yes Ma'am.

- Good. Now go, give them the menu and offer them appetizers"

Not stressful at all, right ?

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