Hes rude and obnoxious and self centred-but he is gorgeous isnt he

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"I'm telling you veronica I'm not doing it, I will march into weatherbee's office myself and tell him that I will not tutor Jughead Jones, not even for all the extra credit in the world" Betty huffed screwing up the piece of paper she had just received from one of the teachers.

She had always wanted extra credit, and she offered to take some students on after school to tutor and the only person she got back was Jughead Jones, and something told her he wasn't going to it voluntarily.

"But why not B? There's no challenge you can't handle" Veronica sighed rubbing her friends shoulder. Usually at the mention of a challenge Betty got excited but this just filled her with an uneasy sense of dread.

"He's rude and obnoxious and self centred" Betty began, beginning to look like she had steam coming out of her ears.

"But he is gorgeous, isn't he?" Veronica chuckled as they both turned to watch the serpents walk through the corridor as if they owned it. The last bell had just gone and it was Betty's first session in 10 minutes and she just didn't want to do it.

"That's not the point Veronica, he's just going to laugh at me" Betty sighed leaning against her locker once more.

"For all we know Betty, he actually might need help with his studies" Veronica laughed, still checking out the serpents.

"Well if he wasn't too busy skipping class, and running a gang he wouldn't need a tutor would he?" Betty replied sarcastically, her eyes still closed as if she was having a little moment to herself.

"Listen, I'll tell weatherbee myself in the morning if it goes as bad as your building it up to be, but southsiders hardly got taught anything back on the southside, if he wants to graduate then help him" Veronica said sympathetically.

"Where was that sympathy when you shot Archie with a paintball gun?" Betty raised her eyebrows at her.

"Oh come on B, you saw how big and hard he was acting..." Veronica trailed off and waved as she went through the doors into the parking lot.

Betty made her way to the blue and gold office and sighed at the open door, the smell of cigarettes and soap lingered in the air and she rolled her eyes knowingly of his presence.

"Hi I'm betty, I'm here to tutor you?" She knocked on the door plastered a fake smile on her face and took a deep breath.

"I know who you are" he smirked, his feet up on the desk, leaning back obviously amused.

"You do?" She said putting her books down on the table opposite to where he was sitting.

"I do" he answered tilting his head still with that amused expression on his face.

"So I guess you need help with some school stuff? English? Trig? Geography?" Betty said trying not to cower under his strong gaze, determined not to show that he does bother her.

"Is that Mr W's opinion or yours?" He said looking her straight in the face now.

"I'm not sure about Mr weatherbee, but something tells me you wouldn't voluntarily sign up for help" Betty said quietly opening her text book.

"I did" he chuckled, "sign up voluntarily I mean, my grades are great actually, considering" Jughead laughed again, patronisingly.

"And why's that?" Betty asked him, the sense of hostility filled the room, and the vibes that came off him were a weird thrill.

"Because I've been watching you, cheerleader, blue and gold writer and editor, head of the yearbook, perfect 4.0, never got less than a B" he said shaking his head a little bit and looking her up and down.

"So, I'm a conquest?" Betty said snapping her book closed.

"Not exactly" he chuckled taking his feet down and leaning forward to her and looking her straight in the face.

"Then what?" Betty said now softer, more intimidated the closer he got to her.

"I watch you, you watch me, and when you look at me, you don't look at me the same everyone else does" he said going over to the window and opening it, pulling a cigarette from his box and sparking it.

"And how does everyone else look at you?" Betty asked him, her eyes following him across the room.

"I'm not sure, some are jealous, some are scared, some want me, but you, I can't figure you out" he said pointing at her and then staring back out the window again.

"And that bothers you?" Betty asked, feeling brave enough to go and stand by him, to study his more as he spoke.

"I guess it intrigues me, you're not scared of me are you?" He asked her looking her straight in the face.

"Why would I be?" She said nervously.

"You shouldn't be? Most people are" He said.

"Most people don't look past the leather jacket" Betty scoffed.

"So what do you see past the leather jacket?" Jughead said absolutely absorbed by everything about her.

"Honestly, I see a beanie" Betty joked but then held her breath in anticipation to his reaction.

He let out a soft chuckle and smiled that million dollar smile at her.
"You're funny too" he smirked and she smiled.

"Seriously, i see someone who has the power to do well, succeed, but I think you get yourself in the wrong places at the wrong times" Betty added as he flicked his cigarette out the window.

"Can I tell you what I see when I look at you?" Jughead asked her and she nodded nervously.

"Everything" he replied. "Everything that's good in the world resides in you betty cooper, but I mean this with the utmost respect, stop caring what others think of you" he said softly.

"You seem to know a lot about me, why have you never had a conversation with me in my life?" Betty blushed.

"If I came up to you in the hall way, in front of all your friends, the jocks, the cheerleaders would you entertain me?" Jughead laughed at the audacity of it.

"Well if I came to talk to you under the bleachers were all the serpents smoke and make out would you pretend to talk to me? And then when I leave would you tell all your serpent friends that you scored with me?" Betty said now realising the social divide in Riverdale.

"My point exactly" Jughead said. "We're from two different worlds, but just imagine how fun it would be if they collided" he smirked.

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