Shes a dork, she likes books and literature-Yeah but shes hot

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"Why are you looking at her like that?" Sweetpea said slamming his locker closed, and steering Jugheads gaze away from the blonde across the hallway who's head was in her locker. Something about this girl that Jughead couldn't shake, and ever since their encounter in the blue and gold all he could imagine was her, pressed up against him.

He shot sweetpea a look that immediately silenced him, but he was a dim wit, and he couldn't help himself.

"She's a dork, she likes books and like literature" he scoffed.

"Yeah but she's hot" Jughead smirked at him before walking towards her and leaving his friend open mouthed.

He leaned behind her open locker door and waited. She jumped as she closed it.
"Jughead? To what do I owe this pleasure" she said blushing, her eyes flickering to his lips and it made him smile how flustered she got.

"I'm just here to see how fast your popularity plummets once your saw with me" he laughed.

"Well, you're theory is wrong, if anything being saw with you will boost my social status, you know everyone wants to know your business" she said beginning to walk away leaving Jughead to follow behind her.

"I know, but why don't you want to know my business?" He asked holding the door open for her.

"Thankyou- And it's not any of my business what you do, it's not like I'm your girlfriend or something" Betty scoffed, but her words settled and she began to blush.

"Not that I've thought about being your girlfriend" she spat looking at the ground.

"You haven't?" Jughead teased as they went into the canteen and everyone stared.

"No" Betty said quietly.

"But you've definitely thought about me naked" Jughead grinned at her as he blush deepened.

"Is there something you are pestering me for?" Betty avoided the question.

"No denial" Jughead teased further.

"I asked you a question you ass" Betty furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"I want you, to come and have some fun with me" Jughead proposed.

"What's fun to you?" Betty squinted at him in utter disbelief.

"You know the usual, burying bodies, stealing cars, getting tattoos of each others name on the first date" Jughead laughed.

"So you want to take me on a date?" Betty's face twisted suppressing a smile, determined to keep cool.

"Well would you say yes if I did?" He stopped her.

"Well what would people think?" Betty teased.

"How about you stop caring about the social hierarchy in Riverdale and just come and have some fun with me, I'm sure of you loosened that ponytail of yours you would be so much more fun" He waggled her pony tail and she swatted his hands away.

"I will have some fun with you Jughead Jones, if, and only if, you don't go and tell all your friends you screwed afterwards, I'm warning you one rumour and..." Betty started.

"And what? You'll write an article about me?" Jughead teased.

"Shut up, pick me up at 8" betty smiled and walked away from him, leaving him stood there, uncharacteristically happy.

"What's got you so joyful Jones, it looks good on you" sweetpea reappeared with the rest of the gang.

"Worlds are colliding my friend."

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