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"I have an appointment at 10:30."

"Name please?" The woman at the desk said in a bored tone.

"Elizabeth Cooper" the blonde told her.

"Dr Meddowes is running over, there might be a bit of a wait, can I offer you something to drink?" The woman said but something gave Betty the feeling that it was mandatory for her to offer, and she didn't really want to get up and fetch her a drink, so instead she swallowed the nervousness that made her throat dry and shook her head slowly.

"No that's okay." Betty said and made her way over to the couch that sat underneath the window.

She opened an aged copy of vogue and began reading, by the time she was finished with her article she looked up to see another boy check in at the desk. Now even though Betty didn't know the boy, hadn't looked at the boy, and the boy hadn't noticed Betty was there, she suddenly began to feel very anxious and questioned whether she was sitting on the chair properly. With a huff he sat down beside her and she kept her eyes fixed on the model in the magazine, and got even more anxious because that's not what she looked like, but she supposed that's why she's here in the first place. She felt the couch dip and felt his eyes watch her, and she began shake as she turned the pages feeling uncomfortable under his gaze, and she subtly smelt her cardigan sleeve to see if he was staring because she smelled.

"You're new" the boy said as soon as Betty teared her eyes away from the magazine long enough to steal a peek at him, out of curiosity of course.

"Yes" She said quietly almost a whisper.

"You're brave you know, you shouldn't be ashamed, therapy helps" he smiled at her.

"Thankyou" Betty whispered, offering a weak half smile.

"What's you're name?" The mysterious boy asked her.

"Elizabeth, well my real names elizabeth, but everyone calls me betty, I guess you can call me Betty, I mean if you want to, or you could call me elizabeth" Betty babbled feeling her throat go dry, mentally she was trying to catch her words and shove them back into her mouth but she couldn't and was internally cringing at herself.

"What do you like to be called? Betty or Elizabeth?" The boy asked her and she just shrugged, pulling the sleeves of her cardigan over her wrists and curling her fingers into the palm which was protected by the cotton.

"I have a weird name, but I like to be called Jughead, you know, if you ever find the confidence to speak" Jughead teased her and Betty didn't feel like she was being mocked, she felt a smile en route to her face.

"I'm just a little nervous around new people" she said quietly with a smile.

"Jughead jones" a woman came out of a room and smiled at him as he got up.

"You should smile more, you're real pretty when you smile" Jughead winked at her as he turned towards the door fist bumping the woman as he entered the room.

Betty day and blushed as she waited to be called. She had never been called beautiful before.

She didn't understand why her mother was paying a therapist $200 an hour for them to tell her everything she already knew. But her mother had convinced herself that it would fix Betty.

"Well finally" Jughead said closing the magazine and standing up to meet Betty as she walked out the door.

"You waited for me?" Betty blushed.

"Yeah, I really hope you don't have an eating disorder because I was going to ask you to come to pops with me" Jughead smiled at her and she noticed how beautiful he was. She thought it was some kind of joke a boy that beautiful wanted to take her to pops.

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