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June 4th, 1996

Mariah sat outside her cabin, she had written a whole song but no melody came to mind. She really wanted to record this song but it was hard to do without any ideas. Jermaine had left for a meeting with another artist. Mariah would've tried to create the song herself but that board looked like nothing but knobs, buttons and switches. She knew everything about a song's chords, melodies and keys but nothing about the technology that wove them together to create a masterpiece that was music. 

Great...just great. She thought, hands covering her face as she sat in hopelessness. "You okay Angel?" A familiar voice asked. She looked up, seeing Daniel squatting to her level. He wore a white t-shirt that showed off his muscular body without anyone needing to look at him closely to see his muscles. If he knew, he didn't care. Besides the t-shirt, he wore jeans and white Pumas with black laces. 

"Yeah..." Mariah said, her eyes wandered to his muscular body before she quickly snapped back into reality. "I'm fine," 

Daniel chuckled, his smile just as captivating as his eyes. Mariah wish she could stare into them for more than just a few minutes every day.

"I just, uh," She said," I'm at a loss for ideas. I need a track for this song, Babydoll and I have nobody to help me out." He smiled," I wouldn't say nobody. All I need is the lyrics to the song and small sample of how it sounds with no charge at all."

"You'd really do that for me?"

"Yeah, you're friend. And that's just low, ask you for money just because I know you have a lot of it. You know how many times that's happened to me. Man, I feel like I'm the Bank of America." Mariah laughed, handing Daniel the hard cover journal. "How long will it take you?" She asked. "Depending on the vibe, a day." He answered," You always have good vibes on your songs even though some of the moods are sad but uh," He scratched the back of his head," I'll try to get it to you as soon possible."

"Thanks again Daniel, you are a life saver." 

"No need," He replied," Its what friends are for."


Daniel sat in the recording studio cabin. 

Spacious, comfortable and high tech like any other studio he'd seen

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Spacious, comfortable and high tech like any other studio he'd seen. He went other the piano and pressed synthesizers before pressing a few keys. Liking the rhythm, he pressed record and beatboxed with the pattern of his piano notes. He nodded his head, pressing the record button on the keyboard as he played notes with one hand. He continued to beatbox as he sat down at the console, pressing repeat on the keyboard. Using the drum pad to recreate the beat. He put it on replay as well adding more base with the turn of a nob on the console. Daniel rubbed the back of his neck, transferring the piano notes to his computer and pressed a button. The beat and the notes filled the room. He bobbed his head," Now we're talkin'." He added more vibrato along with higher notes behind the original chords. Pushing up a switch ever to slightly, the original chords became a little louder than the higher ones behind it. Daniel tapped a hand on his chin," Needs something more...Angelic." He chuckled at his own joke, scrolling through his computer. He stopped when he reached a sound effect labeled Magic. Raising an eyebrow, pressing play. "I could use that." He said, going back to his music software and adding the sound to his drum pad. He added the magic sound effect the end of the beat switches at the second half of the instrumental. "Magical indeed," He said. 


The sun was setting. While everyone was out enjoying themselves, Daniel was having fun making the track for Mariah's song. He played a few notes on the piano, still in the subtle climax of the song. He sung," Do you care for me," His voice smooth and clear but strong as well. "Tell me how you feel," He added, purposely skipping a lyric. After pausing the recording on the keyboard, he looked at the black watch on his left hand. The time was 9:45. "Hmm," He said," I'm a studio rat but I need a drink." With those words, Daniel exited the cabin and towards the mess hall. Sitting at the counter, he ordered a Corona. Then his ears picked up on a familiar laugh, one that he'd heard several times. From both a far and close. 

Why didn't I notice she was sitting next to me, Daniel thought. He must've been so high on his musical buzz that he forgot to check his surroundings. 

Looking down at his beer, he could see Mariah blushing at the corner of his eye. He chuckled," Cute."

"Hey Daniel," Mariah said.

I could listen to that voice all day...He thought. "I wasn't expecting to see you here M," He remarked, turning towards her. "Wine and vodka," She said," A lady's best friend." They both laughed before she asked," How's the track comin' along?"

"Its crazy, I'm almost done too. I can't wait for you to hear it." He answered," I'm a serious studio rat. I would've stayed there the whole night but you would've probably been worried about me." Mariah eyebrows raised," Wow," Daniel chuckled," Y'know, you're not very good at hiding your emotions."

"That's what my second album is all about." They both chuckled before he said," A lot of them." They laughed again. "Well, after this second beer I'll go back to finishing that track and you can continue with your hit making self."

"If there's a way to pay you back, please let me know." 

He laughed, taking a big chug of his second Corona before commenting," You being a friend is payment enough, asking for anything else would just be ignorant greed."

"You have a way with words Danny."

He chuckled," That's just the beer talkin'," She laughed. "The more beer I get, my vocabulary expands and soon I'll be talking like Shakespeare before I pass out." Mariah laughed again before saying," I guess I'll see you later Danny."

"I'll be lookin' forward to our next meeting Ms. Carey." Mariah watched as he walked away one thought lingering in her head.

I'd give my all just to taste the Corona off his soft, pink, lips.

When she turned around, Josephine was smirking at her. "First the tire swing, then the snake and now he's helping with your album." The blond remarked," Mimi, you are tripping bad for the Boa constrictor." Mariah rolled her eyes trying to hide the fact that she was slightly blushing. 

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