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~Jerome's POV~

I saw Jason, looking around at Mitch, me, then a random spot on the sidewalk.

"Jason! Help Mitch! Please!" I begged and begin to bang on the door of the car.

Jason didn't do anything, he didn't help anyone.

He just, he did the unthinkable.

He ran away.

Just ran from what was happening, not looking back.

The car seemed to drive in slow motion at the time.

I watched I file he was out of sight.

Just like that he was gone, and so was I. Off to the town jail.

Just before I couldn't see Mitch anymore I saw something sparkle on the ground where Jason was standing.

~Alex's POV~

I saw the two rings fall from Jason's hand.

One I recognized as mine, the other I didn't know.

I crawled to the ring and grabbed it, I felt it.

It's cold mettle against my inexistent skin.

The curves of the diamond, and the rocky pavement under the ring.

Just like that the feeling was gone.

'I felt it. I touched it.'

I looked at my barely visible hand and it started to fade.

'I didn't feel the ring, I felt the love bound with in it. Jason loves me. I can rest now. Move one.'

A smile creased my lips before I saw the light.

"I'll be watching you Jason, I love you."

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