Deleted Memories

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~Sky's POV~

(Okay let me get this clear. This is going to be a very fucking long book. But it's just gonna be something you can comeback to and read when there's nothing better to do. Ya know? No? Well fine! *leaves computer* *comes back* I need to finish this chapter.....)

"Ow! Fuck! Shit! Djfjsndn!" I yelled when I stubbed my toe on a loose board.

"What'd you do this time?" Ty said as he walked into the house.

"Ty! Halp! I'm dying!" I said, dramatically put my hand on my forehead.

He just rolled his eyes at my sexiness.

He walked into the kitchen and I awkwardly limped behind him.

"So you're all packed?" Ty stopped what get he was doing and dashed up the stares.

"I'll take that as a no?" I called after him.

"Haha you're so funny." He scoffed getting out a suit case from the closet.

Right then the door bell rang, I majestically slid across the floor in my socks and opened it.

"Uh hi. This is gonna sound crazy but can I stay the night?" I looked at the boy with dark brown hair and blue eyes, I smiled at him not sure why a complete stranger was at the door.

"Umm who are you?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

I was still awkwardly staring into his eyes making him uncomfortable.


"Oh cool. I'm Sky!" I cheered like a little girl.

"I know. We were friends or something." I laughed at his comment.

Ty came down the stairs and set his suit case in the living room.

"Well I'm off." He said, his smile quickly faded when he saw Jason.

"Who's he?" He hissed and glared at him.

"I don't know, I thought he was a friend of yours." Ty shook his head.

I turned to Jason who's smile also turned to a look of worry.

"I'll just leave, I have to umm. Go yell at Jerome."

I closed the door when he was on the drive way.

"Who's Jerome?"

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