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~Mitch's POV~

I glared at Echo as he beat up both the man and my dad.

My glare instantly faded when he looked my way, I quickly looked down at the ground.

"So, uh Mitch." I looked back up at Echo who was coming towards me.

"What?" I said shoving my hands in my pockets.

"I'm not Jerome so can you please take that off?" He pointed at the girly outfit I was waring, my face turned red and I just sat down and brought my knees to my chest.

Echo ended up just picking me up bridal style and started walking.

"Hey! Put me down!" I hissed, very unhappy considering the fact I wasn't waring the longest skirt ever.

"No ones gonna notice, I'm just gonna take you home." Echo said surprisingly calm.

I crossed my arms and they managed to a me their way around echoes neck when we got to the actually populated part of town.

I looked at the ring on my finger and then realized what people would think.

'Jerome might be gone, but at least I have Ellie.'

I smiled to myself at the idea of seeing her again and my apology for not walking her home.

'Echo's a guardian maybe he knows how Jerome died.'

"Umm Echo?"


"Uh. How did Jerome die?"

"Our creator killed him, it happens ya know. You're lucky though you didn't love him back."

(Mind fucked! My brain hurts from making this XP hope you enjoyed!)

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